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[英]Extract Month From Julian day and year in python

I have essentially the opposite question as this question . 这个问题我基本上有相反的问题 I have a string structured as "%y%j" such that January 1 2017 would be "17001" and December 31 1995 would be "95365" . 我有一个字符串,结构为"%y%j" ,使得2017年1月1日为"17001" ,1995年12月31日为"95365"

I essentially need to know what month it is from any given input string. 我基本上需要从任何给定的输入字符串中知道它是几月。 I thought this would be relatively simple. 我认为这会相对简单。 Something like: 就像是:

input = "95365"
year = int(input[0:2])
day = int(input[2:5])
if day < 32:
    month = 1
if day >= 32 and day < 50:
    # etc...

what I failed to remember was leap years and how often they repeat. 我没有记住的是leap年,以及它们重复的频率。 Does anyone have an easy fix? 有人能轻松解决吗? Is there a library for this sort of thing? 是否有用于此类事情的图书馆?

Unless I am missing something, I think all you need is: 除非我缺少任何东西,否则我认为您只需要:

>>> import datetime
>>> s = '95365'
>>> datetime.datetime.strptime(s, '%y%j').month
>>> datetime.datetime.strptime(s, '%y%j').day
>>> datetime.datetime.strptime(s, '%y%j').year

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