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Angular 2 Dart:如何在父路由器和子组件之间共享变量?

[英]Angular 2 Dart: How to share variables between parent with router and child components?

How do I share variables if having a child component with a router and keep them updated through bindings? 如果让子组件与路由器一起使用并通过绑定更新它们,我如何共享变量?

This is (part of) my code: 这是我的代码(的一部分):

app_component.dart: app_component.dart:

import 'package:angular2/core.dart';
import 'package:angular2_components/angular2_components.dart';
import 'package:angular2/router.dart';

import 'package:my_app/profile_component/profile_component.dart';
import 'package:my_app/login_component/login_component.dart';

  selector: 'my-app',
  styleUrls: const ['app_component.css'],
  templateUrl: 'app_component.html',
  directives: const [
  providers: const [
    const Provider(LocationStrategy, useClass: HashLocationStrategy),
@RouteConfig(const [
  const Route(path: 'home', name: 'Home', component: HomeComponent, useAsDefault: true),
  const Route(path: 'profile', name: "User Profile", component: ProfileComponent)
class AppComponent {

  LoginComponent loginComponent;
  ProfileComponent profileComponent;

  bool get isUserLoggedIn => loginComponent.isUserLoggedIn;


app_component.html: app_component.html:

    <li *ngIf="!isUserLoggedIn">
        <a (click)="loginComponent.loginOpen=true">Account / Login</a>
    <li *ngIf="isUserLoggedIn">
        <a id="mb_logout" (click)="loginComponent.logUserOut()">Logout</a>
    <li *ngIf="isUserLoggedIn">
        <a id="mb_profile"  [routerLink]="['User Profile']">Zum Profil</a>

login_component.dart: login_component.dart:

bool get isUserLoggedIn => _isUserLoggedIn();

profile_component.dart: profile_component.dart:

import 'package:angular2/core.dart';
import 'package:angular2_components/angular2_components.dart';

  selector: 'profile',
  styleUrls: const ['profile_component.css'],
  templateUrl: 'profile_component.html',
  directives: const [materialDirectives],
  providers: const [materialProviders],
class ProfileComponent {

  bool isUserLoggedIn;

  ProfileComponent() {

In short I want to access the current value of isUserLoggedIn from within ProfileComponent. 简而言之,我想从ProfileComponent中访问isUserLoggedIn的当前值。 How can I achieve this? 我怎样才能做到这一点?

On the parent component provide a shared service 在父组件上提供共享服务

class SharedService {
  bool _isUserLoggedIn = false;
  bool get isUserLoggedIn => _isUserLoggedIn;
  set isUserLoggedIn(bool value) {
    _isUserLoggedIn = value ?? false;

  StreamController<bool> _isUserLoggedInController;
  Stream<bool> get onIsUserLoggedIn => _isUserLoggedInController.stream;

  SharedService() {
     _isUserLoggedInController = new StreamController<bool>.broadcast(
       onListen: () => _isUserLoggedInController.add(_isUserLoggedIn)

In components where you want to update use or update the status inject the service 在要更新的组件中,使用或更新状态注入服务

  template: '''
    <div>isLoggedIn: {{sharedService.onIsUserLoggedIn | async}}</div>
    <button (click)="toggleIsUserLoggedIn()">{{(sharedService.onIsUserLoggedIn | async) ? 'log out' : 'log in'}}</div>
class SomeComponent {
  final SharedService sharedService;

  toggleIsUserLoggedIn() {
    sharedService.isUserLoggedIn = !sharedService.isUserLoggedIn;

Provide the service in AppComponent AppComponent提供服务

  selector: 'my-app',
  providers: const [SharedService],
class AppComponent {}

This is how I achieved this. 这就是我实现这一目标的方式。 Using a shared service. 使用共享服务。

In component where the model is being updated/used: 在更新/使用模型的组件中:

class myClassSend {

 constructor(private sharedService: SharedService){
     this.sharedService.userStatusUpdate(this.isUserLoggedIn); // We send isUserLoggedIn value to the shared service


Our shared service could be something like: 我们的共享服务可能是这样的:

export class SharedService {
  userStatusUpdate$: Observable<any>;
  private userStatusUpdateSubject = new Subject<any>();

  constructor() {
        this.userStatusUpdate$ = this.userStatusUpdateSubject.asObservable();

  userStatusUpdate(userStatus) {

In component where we want to know the value of the model: 在我们想知道模型值的组件中:

class myClassReceive {
  bool isUserLoggedIn;

 constructor(private sharedService: SharedService){
     this.sharedService.userStatusUpdate$.subscribe((userStatus) => {
           this.isUserLoggedIn = userStatus;  // And here we receive the isUserLoggedIn value!

Now, think that from myClassSend you can send the information whenever you want: onInit, onChange, etc... And myClassReceive will be "listening" all the time and will receive the value that you are sending as a parameter to the shared service. 现在,想想从myClassSend你可以随时发送信息:onInit,onChange等...而myClassReceive将一直“监听”并将接收你作为参数发送给共享服务的值。

Think of the shared service as a cell phone that communicates 2 people (components), sending messages (parameters/data). 将共享服务视为可以通信2个人(组件),发送消息(参数/数据)的手机。

Here is Angular's documentation: https://angular.io/docs/ts/latest/cookbook/component-communication.html#!#bidirectional-service 这是Angular的文档: https ://angular.io/docs/ts/latest/cookbook/component-communication.html#!#bidirectional- service

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