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[英]Error: No viable overloaded =

I have a class which looks like this: 我有一堂课,看起来像这样:

class MemberListEntry {
    int id;
    short port;
    long heartbeat;
    long timestamp;
    MemberListEntry(int id, short port, long heartbeat, long timestamp);
    MemberListEntry(int id, short port);
    MemberListEntry(): id(0), port(0), heartbeat(0), timestamp(0) {}
    MemberListEntry(const MemberListEntry &anotherMLE);
    MemberListEntry& operator =(const MemberListEntry &anotherMLE);
    int getid();
    short getport();
    long getheartbeat();
    long gettimestamp();
    void setid(int id);
    void setport(short port);
    void setheartbeat(long hearbeat);
    void settimestamp(long timestamp);

The I have some code which instantiates it like this: 我有一些将其实例化的代码:

   int id = stoi(address.substr(0, pos));
   short port = (short)stoi(address.substr(pos + 1, address.size()-pos-1));
   memcpy(&addr[0], &id, sizeof(int));
   memcpy(&addr[4], &port, sizeof(short));

  MemberListEntry mEntry;
  mEntry = new MemberListEntry(id, port);

I am getting this error: 我收到此错误:

 error: no viable overloaded '='
 mEntry = new MemberListEntry(id, port);

Any idea what could be the cause of the issue? 任何想法可能是问题的原因吗?

Your code should be 您的代码应为

MemberListEntry * mEntry;
mEntry = new MemberListEntry(id, port);

You are allocating an object on heap using new operator which returns pointer to the object created and you are trying to assign a pointer to an object. 您正在使用new运算符在堆上分配对象,该运算符返回指向创建的对象的指针,并且尝试分配指向对象的指针。

Better alternative here would be allocate object on stack which you are doing it already. 更好的替代方法是在堆栈上分配已经在做的对象。

MemberListEntry mEntry(id, port);

This creates and initializes the object and it will be destructed automatically when your function goes out of scope. 这将创建并初始化对象,并且当您的函数超出范围时,它将自动销毁。

Fun fact: This not java, it's C++. 有趣的事实:这不是Java,而是C ++。 :) :)

Hope this helps. 希望这可以帮助。

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