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[英]Wordpress blog from godaddy running on subdirectory

I have a rails app with a domain like myapp.com running on heroku with the domain nameservers at DNsimple.com I want to create a wordpress blog hosted on GoDaddy. 我有一个rails应用程序,其域名为myapp.com的域名在heroku上运行,域名服务器位于DNsimple.com,我想创建一个托管在GoDaddy上的wordpress博客。 I found an article to do this (kinda) at 我在()上找到了一篇文章来做这个

https://medium.com/@parterburn/wordpress-inside-a-ruby-on-rails-app-c324fbf39ad8 https://medium.com/@parterburn/wordpress-inside-a-ruby-on-rails-app-c324fbf39ad8

But my setup is a little different because the domain is on the DNsimple service and I can't seem to get it to work. 但是我的设置有些不同,因为该域位于DNsimple服务上,而且我似乎无法使其正常工作。 According to this tutorial, my domain for the blog should be something like myapp.service.com but I can't seem to do that with GoDaddy especially since the domain name nameservers are at DNsimple. 根据本教程,我的博客域应该类似于myapp.service.com,但我似乎无法使用GoDaddy做到这一点,特别是因为域名名称服务器位于DNsimple。

Other than this 1 piece I have everything else setup. 除了这1件外,我还有其他设置。 I am using the rack-reverse-proxy gem and all of that works fine except this domain issue. 我正在使用rack-reverse-proxy gem,除了此域问题外,所有其他方法都工作正常。 Any help would be greatly appreciated. 任何帮助将不胜感激。

myapp.service.com is the URL to the blog. myapp.service.com是博客的URL。 It can be anything you like. 可以是任何您喜欢的东西。 When you stand up a new Wordpress install on GoDaddy it most likely will give you an ugly "temporary" URL which you can use. 当您在GoDaddy上安装新的Wordpress安装时,很可能会给您提供一个丑陋的“临时” URL,您可以使用它。 Flywheel also allows you to have basic auth, which is why the user and pass are included in the reverse-proxy setup. Flywheel还允许您进行基本身份验证,这就是为什么用户和通行证包含在反向代理设置中的原因。 The auth also slightly helps with SEO so Google will only know your myapp.com/blog URL exists. 身份验证还有助于SEO,因此Google仅知道您的myapp.com/blog URL存在。

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