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[英]Is there any way to promisify node's functions and get intellisense with Typescript?

I'm using @types definitions and added @types/bluebird , as expected I get autocomplete when using the methods from the library. 我正在使用@types定义并添加@types/bluebird ,正如预期的那样,当使用库中的方法时,我会获得自动完成。 However I would like to promisify node's functions (fs). 但是,我想宣传节点的功能(fs)。 I'm able to do that with the following line: 我可以用以下行来做到这一点:

import * as Promise from 'bluebird'
import * as fs from 'fs'

const fsPromisified = Promise.promisifyAll(fs)

The problem is that when I do fsPromisified I lose autocomplete. 问题是,当我做fsPromisified时,我失去了自动完成功能。

Is there any way I can do this without having to wrap around node's functions myself with promises? 有没有什么方法可以做到这一点,而不必自己用promises包围节点的功能?

You can use the pre-promisified mz /fs instead of fs , which wraps all promisifies all async fs functions (with their original names, not the Async prefix). 你可以使用pre-promisified mz /fs而不是fs ,它包含所有promisifies所有async fs函数(使用它们的原始名称,而不是Async前缀)。 That package has TypeScript typings ( @types/mz ): 该软件包具有TypeScript @types/mz@types/mz ):

import * as fs from 'mz/fs';

// e.g., read file
  .then((contents) => {
    // ...


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