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EF 6代码优先错误:EntityType没有定义键

[英]EF 6 Code First Error: EntityType has no key defined

I have defined a class that holds the createby,createdate,modifyby and modifydate properties which is inherited by other classes { so that i don't have to create the field in all the entities that have those field}. 我定义了一个类,该类包含由其他类继承的createby,createdate,modifyby和Modifydate属性{这样,我就不必在具有这些字段的所有实体中都创建该字段}。 My code is 我的代码是

public class SMSModelBaseClass

    [Column(TypeName ="varchar")]
    public string CreateById { get; set; }

    public DateTime CreateDate { get; set; }

    [Column(TypeName = "varchar")]
    public string ModifyById { get; set; }

    public DateTime ModifyDate { get; set; }

    public virtual ApplicationUser CreateBy { get; set; }

    public virtual ApplicationUser ModifyBy { get; set; }


Am getting the subject error. 正在收到主题错误。 I know i could introduce a primary key for the same but it will get inherited by the other classes, something that i dont want. 我知道我可以为它引入一个主键,但是它将被其他类继承,这是我不想要的。

Is it possible either using fluent api or data annotations to bypass this error? 是否可以使用流利的api或数据注释来绕过此错误?

With EntityFramework, each entity needs a key property. 使用EntityFramework,每个实体都需要一个关键属性。

Typically this is an Id column. 通常,这是一个Id列。
It could be a composite key, but given your model, I would suggest an Id property on SMSModelBaseClass 它可能是一个组合键,但是考虑到您的模型,我建议在SMSModelBaseClass上使用Id属性

As a side note, I believe SMSModelBaseClass should also be abstract if you are using it as a base class, and not instantiating it directly 附带说明一下,如果您将SMSModelBaseClass用作基类,而不是直接实例化它,我相信SMSModelBaseClass也应该是abstract

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