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在Arc Welder中在相同的上下文中安装多个应用程序

[英]Installing multiple apps in Arc Welder in the same context

Installing Androids apps on Chrome OS with Arc Welder is pretty straight forward and most apps works fine. 使用Arc Welder在Chrome OS上安装Androids应用程序非常简单,大多数应用程序运行正常。

However, apps are installed in their own isolated environment and are thus not able to interact with each other. 但是,应用程序安装在自己的隔离环境中,因此无法相互交互。

For example, I have installed both Total Commander and the accompanying FTP Plugin but TC is not able to see or use the plugin. 例如,我已经安装了Total Commander和随附的FTP插件,但TC无法查看或使用该插件。 And if I use TC's virtual folder Installed apps which shows all the installed apps, I only see TC itself even though I have several apps installed. 如果我使用TC的虚拟文件夹Installed apps显示所有已安装的应用程序,我只看到TC本身,即使我安装了几个应用程序。

So clearly, each apps is isolated from all other apps. 很明显,每个应用程序都与所有其他应用程序隔离。

Is there any way to install multiple apps in the same context so they can interact with each other? 有没有办法在同一个上下文中安装多个应用程序,以便它们可以相互交互?

Use Android app intent to communicate between apps. 使用Android应用意图在应用之间进行通信。 You can trigger an activity from your app to be started in a separate app. 您可以触发应用中的活动,以便在单独的应用中启动。 You can also get the result back from that app when the activity has finished. 您还可以在活动结束后从该应用程序返回结果。

For more info please have a look at this link 有关更多信息,请查看此链接

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