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[英]Other option for colored scrollbar in tkinter based program?

So after hours or reading post and looking at the documentation for tkinter I have found that on windows machines the color options for tkinter scrollbar will not work due to the scrollbar getting its theme from windows directly. 因此,经过几个小时或阅读帖子并查看tkinter的文档后,我发现在Windows机器上,由于滚动条直接从Windows获取其主题,tkinter滚动条的颜色选项将无法工作。 My problem is the color of the default theme really clashes with my program and I am trying to find a solution that does not involve importing a different GUI package such as PyQt (I don't have access to pip at work so this is a problem to get new packages) 我的问题是默认主题的颜色真的与我的程序冲突,我试图找到一个解决方案,不涉及导入不同的GUI包,如PyQt(我无法访问工作点,所以这是一个问题获得新包裹)

Aside from using a separate package can anyone point me towards some documentation on how to write my own sidebar for scrolling through the text widget. 除了使用单独的包之外,任何人都可以向我指出一些关于如何编写自己的侧边栏以滚动文本小部件的文档。 All I have found so far that is even close to what I want to be able to do is an answer on this question. 到目前为止,我发现的所有内容都接近我想要做的就是回答这个问题。 ( Changing the apperance of a scrollbar in tkinter using ttk styles ) 使用ttk样式更改tkinter中滚动条的外观

From what I can see the example is only changing the background of the scrollbar and with that I was still unable to use the example. 从我可以看到的示例只是更改滚动条的背景,我仍然无法使用该示例。 I got an error on one of the lines used to configure the style. 我在用于配置样式的其中一行上出错。

    style.configure("My.Horizontal.TScrollbar", *style.configure("Horizontal.TScrollbar"))
TypeError: configure() argument after * must be an iterable, not NoneType

Not sure what to do with this error because I was just following the users example and I am not sure as to why it worked for them but not for me. 不知道如何处理这个错误,因为我只是关注用户示例,我不确定为什么它适用于他们但不适合我。

What I have tried so far is: 到目前为止我尝试过的是:

How I create my text box and the scrollbars to go with it. 我是如何创建文本框和滚动条的。

root.text = Text(root, undo = True)
root.text.grid(row = 0, column = 1, columnspan = 1, rowspan = 1, padx =(5,5), pady =(5,5), sticky = W+E+N+S)
root.text.config(bg = pyFrameColor, fg = "white", font=('times', 16))
vScrollBar = tkinter.Scrollbar(root, command=root.text.yview)
hScrollBar = tkinter.Scrollbar(root, orient = HORIZONTAL, command=root.text.xview)
vScrollBar.grid(row = 0, column = 2, columnspan = 1, rowspan = 1, padx =1, pady =1, sticky = E+N+S)
hScrollBar.grid(row = 1 , column = 1, columnspan = 1, rowspan = 1, padx =1, pady =1, sticky = S+W+E)
root.text['yscrollcommand'] = vScrollBar.set
root.text['xscrollcommand'] = hScrollBar.set

Following the documentation here My attempt below does not appear to do anything on windows machine. 按照此处的文档我在下面的尝试似乎没有在Windows机器上做任何事情。 As I have read on other post this has to do with the scrollbar getting its theme natively from windows. 正如我在其他帖子上看到的,这与滚动条本身从windows获取其主题有关。

vScrollBar.config(bg = mainBGcolor)
vScrollBar['activebackground'] = mainBGcolor
hScrollBar.config(bg = mainBGcolor)
hScrollBar['activebackground'] = mainBGcolor

I guess it all boils down to: 我猜这一切归结为:

Is it possible to create my own sidebar (with colors I can change per theme) without the need to import other python packages? 是否可以创建自己的侧边栏(我可以根据主题更改颜色)而无需导入其他python包? If so, where should I start or can someone please link me to the documentation as my searches always seam to lead me back to Tkinter scrollbar Information. 如果是这样,我应该从哪里开始,或者有人可以将我链接到文档,因为我的搜索总是接缝,以引导我回到Tkinter滚动条信息。 As these config() options do work for linux they do not work for windows. 由于这些config()选项适用于Linux,因此它们不适用于Windows。

not a complete answer, but have you considered creating your own scrollbar lookalike: 不是一个完整的答案,但你考虑过创建自己的滚动条看起来像:

import tkinter as tk

class MyScrollbar(tk.Canvas):
    def __init__(self, master, *args, **kwargs):
        if 'width' not in kwargs:
            kwargs['width'] = 10
        if 'bd' not in kwargs:
            kwargs['bd'] = 0
        if 'highlightthickness' not in kwargs:
            kwargs['highlightthickness'] = 0
        self.command = kwargs.pop('command')

        tk.Canvas.__init__(self, master, *args, **kwargs)

        self.elements = {   'button-1':None,

        self._oldwidth = 0
        self._oldheight = 0

        self._sb_start = 0
        self._sb_end = 1

        self.bind('<Configure>', self._resize)
        self.tag_bind('button-1', '<Button-1>', self._button_1)
        self.tag_bind('button-2', '<Button-1>', self._button_2)
        self.tag_bind('trough', '<Button-1>', self._trough)

        self._track = False
        self.tag_bind('thumb', '<ButtonPress-1>', self._thumb_press)
        self.tag_bind('thumb', '<ButtonRelease-1>', self._thumb_release)
        self.tag_bind('thumb', '<Leave>', self._thumb_release)

        self.tag_bind('thumb', '<Motion>', self._thumb_track)

    def _sort_kwargs(self, kwargs):
        for key in kwargs:
            if key in ['buttontype', 'buttoncolor', 'troughcolor', 'thumbcolor', 'thumbtype']:
                self._scroll_kwargs[key] = kwargs.pop(key) # add to custom dict and remove from canvas dict
        return kwargs

    def _resize(self, event):
        width = self.winfo_width()
        height = self.winfo_height()
#       print("canvas: (%s, %s)" % (width, height))
        if self.elements['button-1']: # exists
            if self._oldwidth != width:
                self.elements['button-1'] = None
        if not self.elements['button-1']: # create
            self.elements['button-1'] = self.create_oval((0,0,width, width), fill='#006cd9', outline='#006cd9', tag='button-1')

        if self.elements['button-2']: # exists
            coords = self.coords(self.elements['button-2'])
            if self._oldwidth != width:
                self.elements['button-2'] = None
            elif self._oldheight != height:
                self.move(self.elements['button-2'], 0, height-coords[3])
        if not self.elements['button-2']: # create
            self.elements['button-2'] = self.create_oval((0,height-width,width, height), fill='#006cd9', outline='#006cd9', tag='button-2')

        if self.elements['trough']: # exists
            coords = self.coords(self.elements['trough'])
            if (self._oldwidth != width) or (self._oldheight != height):
                self.elements['trough'] = None
        if not self.elements['trough']: # create
            self.elements['trough'] = self.create_rectangle((0,int(width/2),width, height-int(width/2)), fill='#00468c', outline='#00468c', tag='trough')

        self.set(self._sb_start, self._sb_end) # hacky way to redraw thumb
        self.tag_raise('thumb') # ensure thumb always on top of trough

        self._oldwidth = width
        self._oldheight = height

    def _button_1(self, event):
        self.command('scroll', -1, 'pages')
        return 'break'

    def _button_2(self, event):
        self.command('scroll', 1, 'pages')
        return 'break'

    def _trough(self, event):
        width = self.winfo_width()
        height = self.winfo_height()

        size = (self._sb_end - self._sb_start) / 1

        thumbrange = height - width
        thumbsize = int(thumbrange * size)
        thumboffset = int(thumbrange * self._sb_start) + int(width/2)

        thumbpos = int(thumbrange * size / 2) + thumboffset
        if event.y < thumbpos:
            self.command('scroll', -1, 'pages')
        elif event.y > thumbpos:
            self.command('scroll', 1, 'pages')
        return 'break'

    def _thumb_press(self, event):
        print("thumb press: (%s, %s)" % (event.x, event.y))
        self._track = True

    def _thumb_release(self, event):
        print("thumb release: (%s, %s)" % (event.x, event.y))
        self._track = False

    def _thumb_track(self, event):
        if self._track:
#           print("*"*30)
            print("thumb: (%s, %s)" % (event.x, event.y))
            width = self.winfo_width()
            height = self.winfo_height()

#           print("window size: (%s, %s)" % (width, height))

            size = (self._sb_end - self._sb_start) / 1
#           print('size: %s' % size)
            thumbrange = height - width
#           print('thumbrange: %s' % thumbrange)
            thumbsize = int(thumbrange * size)
#           print('thumbsize: %s' % thumbsize)
            clickrange = thumbrange - thumbsize
#           print('clickrange: %s' % clickrange)
            thumboffset = int(thumbrange * self._sb_start) + int(width/2)
#           print('thumboffset: %s' % thumboffset)

            thumbpos = int(thumbrange * size / 2) + thumboffset

#           print("mouse point: %s" % event.y)
#           print("thumbpos: %s" % thumbpos)

            point = (event.y - (width/2) - (thumbsize/2)) / clickrange
#           point = (event.y - (width / 2)) / (thumbrange - thumbsize)
#           print(event.y - (width/2))
#           print(point)
            if point < 0:
                point = 0
            elif point > 1:
                point = 1
#           print(point)
            self.command('moveto', point)
            return 'break'

    def set(self, *args):
        oldsize = (self._sb_end - self._sb_start) / 1

        self._sb_start = float(args[0])
        self._sb_end = float(args[1])

        size = (self._sb_end - self._sb_start) / 1

        width = self.winfo_width()
        height = self.winfo_height()

        if oldsize != size:
            self.elements['thumb'] = None

        thumbrange = height - width
        thumbsize = int(thumbrange * size)
        thumboffset = int(thumbrange * self._sb_start) + int(width/2)

        if not self.elements['thumb']: # create
            self.elements['thumb'] = self.create_rectangle((0, thumboffset,width, thumbsize+thumboffset), fill='#4ca6ff', outline='#4ca6ff', tag='thumb')
        else: # move
            coords = self.coords(self.elements['thumb'])
            if (thumboffset != coords[1]):
                self.move(self.elements['thumb'], 0, thumboffset-coords[1])
        return 'break'

if __name__ == '__main__':
    root = tk.Tk()
    lb = tk.Listbox(root)
    lb.pack(side='left', fill='both', expand=True)
    for num in range(0,100):
        lb.insert('end', str(num))

    sb = MyScrollbar(root, width=50, command=lb.yview)
    sb.pack(side='right', fill='both', expand=True)


I've left my comments in, and for the life of me i can't seem to get click and dragging the thumb to work correctly, but its a simple scrollbar with the following features: 我已经留下了我的评论,并且对于我的生活,我似乎无法点击并拖动拇指以正常工作,但它是一个简单的滚动条,具有以下功能:

  • up and down buttons that can be coloured 可以着色的上下按钮
  • thumb and trough that can be individually coloured 拇指和槽可以单独着色
  • tracks movement in scrollable widget 跟踪可滚动小部件中的移动
  • thumb resizes with size of scroll area 拇指大小调整滚动区域的大小

Edit 编辑

I've revised the thumb code to fix the click and drag scrolling: 我修改了拇指代码来修复点击和拖动滚动:

import tkinter as tk

class MyScrollbar(tk.Canvas):
    def __init__(self, master, *args, **kwargs):
        self._scroll_kwargs = { 'command':None,

        kwargs = self._sort_kwargs(kwargs)
        if self._scroll_kwargs['orient'] == 'vertical':
            if 'width' not in kwargs:
                kwargs['width'] = 10
        elif self._scroll_kwargs['orient'] == 'horizontal':
            if 'height' not in kwargs:
                kwargs['height'] = 10
            raise ValueError
        if 'bd' not in kwargs:
            kwargs['bd'] = 0
        if 'highlightthickness' not in kwargs:
            kwargs['highlightthickness'] = 0

        tk.Canvas.__init__(self, master, *args, **kwargs)

        self.elements = {   'button-1':None,

        self._oldwidth = 0
        self._oldheight = 0

        self._sb_start = 0
        self._sb_end = 1

        self.bind('<Configure>', self._resize)
        self.tag_bind('button-1', '<Button-1>', self._button_1)
        self.tag_bind('button-2', '<Button-1>', self._button_2)
        self.tag_bind('trough', '<Button-1>', self._trough)

        self._track = False
        self.tag_bind('thumb', '<ButtonPress-1>', self._thumb_press)
        self.bind('<ButtonRelease-1>', self._thumb_release)
#       self.bind('<Leave>', self._thumb_release)

        self.bind('<Motion>', self._thumb_track)

    def _sort_kwargs(self, kwargs):
        to_remove = []
        for key in kwargs:
            if key in [ 'buttontype', 'buttoncolor', 'buttonoutline',
                        'troughcolor', 'troughoutline',
                        'thumbcolor', 'thumbtype', 'thumboutline',
                        'command', 'orient']:
                self._scroll_kwargs[key] = kwargs[key] # add to custom dict

        for key in to_remove:
            del kwargs[key]
        return kwargs

    def _get_colour(self, element):
        if element in self._scroll_kwargs: # if element exists in settings
            return self._scroll_kwargs[element]
        if element.endswith('outline'): # if element is outline and wasn't in settings
            return self._scroll_kwargs[element.replace('outline', 'color')] # fetch default for main element

    def _width(self):
        return self.winfo_width() - 2 # return width minus 2 pixes to ensure fit in canvas

    def _height(self):
        return self.winfo_height() - 2 # return height minus 2 pixes to ensure fit in canvas

    def _resize(self, event):
        width = self._width()
        height = self._height()
        if self.elements['button-1']: # exists
            # delete element if vertical scrollbar and width changed
            # or if horizontal and height changed, signals button needs to change
            if (((self._oldwidth != width) and (self._scroll_kwargs['orient'] == 'vertical')) or
                ((self._oldheight != height) and (self._scroll_kwargs['orient'] == 'horizontal'))):
                self.elements['button-1'] = None
        if not self.elements['button-1']: # create
            size = width if (self._scroll_kwargs['orient'] == 'vertical') else height
            rect = (0,0,size, size)
            fill = self._get_colour('buttoncolor')
            outline = self._get_colour('buttonoutline')
            if (self._scroll_kwargs['buttontype'] == 'round'):
                self.elements['button-1'] = self.create_oval(rect, fill=fill, outline=outline, tag='button-1')
            elif (self._scroll_kwargs['buttontype'] == 'square'):
                self.elements['button-1'] = self.create_rectangle(rect, fill=fill, outline=outline, tag='button-1')

        if self.elements['button-2']: # exists
            coords = self.coords(self.elements['button-2'])
            # delete element if vertical scrollbar and width changed
            # or if horizontal and height changed, signals button needs to change
            if (((self._oldwidth != width) and (self._scroll_kwargs['orient'] == 'vertical')) or
                ((self._oldheight != height) and (self._scroll_kwargs['orient'] == 'horizontal'))):
                self.elements['button-2'] = None
            # if vertical scrollbar and height changed button needs to move
            elif ((self._oldheight != height) and (self._scroll_kwargs['orient'] == 'vertical')):
                self.move(self.elements['button-2'], 0, height-coords[3])
            # if horizontal scrollbar and width changed button needs to move
            elif ((self._oldwidth != width) and (self._scroll_kwargs['orient'] == 'horizontal')):
                self.move(self.elements['button-2'], width-coords[2], 0)
        if not self.elements['button-2']: # create
            if (self._scroll_kwargs['orient'] == 'vertical'):
                rect = (0,height-width,width, height)
            elif (self._scroll_kwargs['orient'] == 'horizontal'):
                rect = (width-height,0,width, height)
            fill = self._get_colour('buttoncolor')
            outline = self._get_colour('buttonoutline')
            if (self._scroll_kwargs['buttontype'] == 'round'):
                self.elements['button-2'] = self.create_oval(rect, fill=fill, outline=outline, tag='button-2')
            elif (self._scroll_kwargs['buttontype'] == 'square'):
                self.elements['button-2'] = self.create_rectangle(rect, fill=fill, outline=outline, tag='button-2')

        if self.elements['trough']: # exists
            coords = self.coords(self.elements['trough'])
            # delete element whenever width or height changes
            if (self._oldwidth != width) or (self._oldheight != height):
                self.elements['trough'] = None
        if not self.elements['trough']: # create
            if (self._scroll_kwargs['orient'] == 'vertical'):
                rect = (0, int(width/2), width, height-int(width/2))
            elif (self._scroll_kwargs['orient'] == 'horizontal'):
                rect = (int(height/2), 0, width-int(height/2), height)
            fill = self._get_colour('troughcolor')
            outline = self._get_colour('troughoutline')
            self.elements['trough'] = self.create_rectangle(rect, fill=fill, outline=outline, tag='trough')

        self.set(self._sb_start, self._sb_end) # hacky way to redraw thumb without moving it
        self.tag_raise('thumb') # ensure thumb always on top of trough

        self._oldwidth = width
        self._oldheight = height

    def _button_1(self, event):
        command = self._scroll_kwargs['command']
        if command:
            command('scroll', -1, 'pages')
        return 'break'

    def _button_2(self, event):
        command = self._scroll_kwargs['command']
        if command:
            command('scroll', 1, 'pages')
        return 'break'

    def _trough(self, event):
#       print('trough: (%s, %s)' % (event.x, event.y))
        width = self._width()
        height = self._height()

        coords = self.coords(self.elements['trough'])

        if (self._scroll_kwargs['orient'] == 'vertical'):
            trough_size = coords[3] - coords[1]
        elif (self._scroll_kwargs['orient'] == 'horizontal'):
            trough_size = coords[2] - coords[0]
#       print('trough size: %s' % trough_size)

        size = (self._sb_end - self._sb_start) / 1
        if (self._scroll_kwargs['orient'] == 'vertical'):
            thumbrange = height - width
        elif (self._scroll_kwargs['orient'] == 'horizontal'):
            thumbrange = width - height
        thumbsize = int(thumbrange * size)

        if (self._scroll_kwargs['orient'] == 'vertical'):
            thumboffset = int(thumbrange * self._sb_start) + int(width/2)
        elif (self._scroll_kwargs['orient'] == 'horizontal'):
            thumboffset = int(thumbrange * self._sb_start) + int(height/2)
        thumbpos = int(thumbrange * size / 2) + thumboffset

        command = self._scroll_kwargs['command']
        if command:
            if (((self._scroll_kwargs['orient'] == 'vertical') and (event.y < thumbpos)) or
                ((self._scroll_kwargs['orient'] == 'horizontal') and (event.x < thumbpos))):
                command('scroll', -1, 'pages')
            elif (((self._scroll_kwargs['orient'] == 'vertical') and (event.y > thumbpos)) or
                ((self._scroll_kwargs['orient'] == 'horizontal') and (event.x > thumbpos))):
                command('scroll', 1, 'pages')
        return 'break'

    def _thumb_press(self, event):
        self._track = True

    def _thumb_release(self, event):
        self._track = False

    def _thumb_track(self, event):
#       print('track')
        if self._track:
            width = self._width()
            height = self._height()
#           print("window size: (%s, %s)" % (width, height))

            size = (self._sb_end - self._sb_start) / 1

            coords = self.coords(self.elements['trough'])
#           print('trough coords: %s' % coords)

            if (self._scroll_kwargs['orient'] == 'vertical'):
                trough_size = coords[3] - coords[1]
                thumbrange = height - width
            elif (self._scroll_kwargs['orient'] == 'horizontal'):
                trough_size = coords[2] - coords[0]
                thumbrange = width - height
#           print('trough size: %s' % trough_size)

            thumbsize = int(thumbrange * size)

            if (self._scroll_kwargs['orient'] == 'vertical'):
                pos = max(min(trough_size, event.y - coords[1] - (thumbsize/2)), 0)
            elif (self._scroll_kwargs['orient'] == 'horizontal'):
                pos = max(min(trough_size, event.x - coords[0] - (thumbsize/2)), 0)

#           print('pos: %s' % pos)

            point = pos / trough_size
#           print('point: %s' % point)

            command = self._scroll_kwargs['command']
            if command:
                command('moveto', point)
            return 'break'

    def set(self, *args):
#       print('set: %s' % str(args))
        oldsize = (self._sb_end - self._sb_start) / 1

        self._sb_start = float(args[0])
        self._sb_end = float(args[1])

        size = (self._sb_end - self._sb_start) / 1

        width = self._width()
        height = self._height()

        if oldsize != size:
            self.elements['thumb'] = None

        if (self._scroll_kwargs['orient'] == 'vertical'):
            thumbrange = height - width
            thumboffset = int(thumbrange * self._sb_start) + int(width/2)
        elif (self._scroll_kwargs['orient'] == 'horizontal'):
            thumbrange = width - height
            thumboffset = int(thumbrange * self._sb_start) + int(height/2)
        thumbsize = int(thumbrange * size)

        if not self.elements['thumb']: # create
            if (self._scroll_kwargs['orient'] == 'vertical'):
                rect = (0, thumboffset,width, thumbsize+thumboffset)
            elif (self._scroll_kwargs['orient'] == 'horizontal'):
                rect = (thumboffset, 0, thumbsize+thumboffset, height)
            fill = self._get_colour('thumbcolor')
            outline = self._get_colour('thumboutline')
            if (self._scroll_kwargs['thumbtype'] == 'round'):
                self.elements['thumb'] = self.create_oval(rect, fill=fill, outline=outline, tag='thumb')
            elif (self._scroll_kwargs['thumbtype'] == 'rectangle'):
                self.elements['thumb'] = self.create_rectangle(rect, fill=fill, outline=outline, tag='thumb')
        else: # move
            coords = self.coords(self.elements['thumb'])
            if (self._scroll_kwargs['orient'] == 'vertical'):
                if (thumboffset != coords[1]):
                    self.move(self.elements['thumb'], 0, thumboffset-coords[1])
            elif (self._scroll_kwargs['orient'] == 'horizontal'):
                if (thumboffset != coords[1]):
                    self.move(self.elements['thumb'], thumboffset-coords[0], 0)
        return 'break'

if __name__ == '__main__':
    root = tk.Tk()
    root.grid_rowconfigure(1, weight=1)
    root.grid_columnconfigure(1, weight=1)

    root.grid_rowconfigure(3, weight=1)
    root.grid_columnconfigure(3, weight=1)

    lb = tk.Listbox(root)
    lb.grid(column=1, row=1, sticky="nesw")
    for num in range(0,100):
        lb.insert('end', str(num)*100)

    sby1 = MyScrollbar(root, width=50, command=lb.yview)
    sby1.grid(column=2, row=1, sticky="nesw")

    sby2 = MyScrollbar(root, width=50, command=lb.yview, buttontype='square', thumbtype='round')
    sby2.grid(column=4, row=1, sticky="nesw")

    sbx1 = MyScrollbar(root, height=50, command=lb.xview, orient='horizontal', buttoncolor='red', thumbcolor='orange', troughcolor='green')
    sbx1.grid(column=1, row=2, sticky="nesw")

    sbx2 = MyScrollbar(root, height=50, command=lb.xview, orient='horizontal', thumbtype='round')
    sbx2.grid(column=1, row=4, sticky="nesw")

    def x_set(*args):

    def y_set(*args):

    lb.configure(yscrollcommand=y_set, xscrollcommand=x_set)

so I've fixed the calculation to work out where the new scroll to position will be, and changed from binding on the thumb tag for the track and release events to binding on the whole canvas, so if the user scrolls quickly the binding will still release when the mouse is let go. 所以我已经修复了计算,以确定新滚动到位置的位置,并从轨道和释放事件的拇指标签上的绑定更改为整个画布上的绑定,因此如果用户快速滚动,绑定仍然会释放鼠标时释放。
I've commented out the binding for when the cursor leaves the canvas so the behavior more closely mimics the existing scroll bar, but can be re enabled if you want it to stop scrolling if the mouse leaves the widget. 我已经注释掉光标离开画布时的绑定,所以行为更接近地模仿现有滚动条,但是如果你希望它在鼠标离开小部件时停止滚动,则可以重新启用。
As for making two classes, the amended code above lets you use the orient keyword so you can just drop this class (with styling changes) in place of the default scrollbar, as shown in the example at the bottom. 至于创建两个类,上面修改的代码允许您使用orient关键字,因此您可以删除此类(使用样式更改)代替默认滚动条,如底部示例所示。

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