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如果被告知使用系统属性line.separator而不是硬编码\\ n,为什么我的代码在Windows上可以工作?

[英]If we're told to use the system property line.separator instead of hard-coding \n, why does my code work on Windows?

We all read something like this: 我们都读过这样的东西:

use the System.getProperty(String) method to refer to items which depend on the system, such as line terminators and path separators. 使用System.getProperty(String)方法来引用依赖于系统的项目,例如行终止符和路径分隔符。

The quote is copied from this web site. 报价是从该网站复制的

I hard-coded an \\n , and the code below works on my Windows machine as expected. 我对\\n硬编码,并且下面的代码可以在Windows计算机上正常运行。

package sample;

public class Main {

    public static void main(String[] args) {


The output is: 输出为:


I thought the Java compiler replaced \\n with \\r\\n silently. 我以为Java编译器会以无声方式将\\n替换为\\r\\n So I downloaded JD GUI, opened the JAR file, and saw Hello\\nworld . 因此,我下载了JD GUI,打开了JAR文件,并看到Hello\\nworld Can anybody give me an example where \\n doesn't work and System.getProperty("line.separator") does? 谁能给我一个例子,其中\\n不起作用,而System.getProperty("line.separator")起作用吗?

There are different line separators, depends on the OS. 有不同的行分隔符,取决于操作系统。 Read this thread: What is the difference between \\r and \\n? 阅读此线程: \\ r和\\ n有什么区别?

Excerpt of if: 如果摘录:

More importantly, Unix tends to use \\n as a line separator; 更重要的是,Unix倾向于使用\\ n作为行分隔符; Windows tends to use \\r\\n as a line separator and Macs (up to OS 9) used to use \\r as the line separator. Windows倾向于将\\ r \\ n用作行分隔符,而Mac(直到OS 9)则倾向于将\\ r用作行分隔符。 (Mac OS X is Unix-y, so uses \\n instead; there may be some compatibility situations where \\r is used instead though.) (Mac OS X是Unix-y,因此改用\\ n;但是在某些兼容性情况下,改用\\ r。)


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