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是Firebase push()。key长度始终为20个字符?

[英]is Firebase push().key length always 20 characters?

I am using Firebase to generate a unique key using .push().key Each instance I have seen is exactly 20 characters. 我正在使用Firebase通过.push().key生成唯一键.push().key我所看到的每个实例正好是20个字符。 Are they always 20 characters? 他们总是20个字符吗? As I plan on adding string length to my firebase rules. 当我计划在我的Firebase规则中增加字符串长度时。

Thanks 谢谢

When using push(), the generated keys have a fixed length of 20 characters. 使用push()时,生成的键的固定长度为20个字符。 See this blog post for more information regarding the generation of the keys. 有关密钥生成的更多信息,请参见此博客文章。

https://firebase.googleblog.com/2015/02/the-2120-ways-to-ensure-unique_68.html https://firebase.googleblog.com/2015/02/the-2120-ways-to-ensure-unique_68.html

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