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C# - 从文本文件中使用单个键获取多个值

[英]C# - Getting multiple values with a single key, from a text file

I store multiple values that shares a single key on a text file. 我存储了多个在文本文件上共享单个键的值。 The text file looks like that: 文本文件看起来像这样:

Brightness 36 , Manual
BacklightCompensation 3 , Manual
ColorEnable 0 , None
Contrast 16 , Manual
Gain 5 , Manual
Gamma 122 , Manual
Hue 0 , Manual
Saturation 100 , Manual
Sharpness 2 , Manual
WhiteBalance 5450 , Auto

Now I want to store the int value & string value of each key (Brightness, for example). 现在我想存储每个键的int值和字符串值(例如,亮度)。

New to C# and could'nt find something that worked yet. C#的新手,无法找到有效的东西。

Thanks 谢谢

I'd recommend to use custom types to store these settings like these: 我建议使用自定义类型来存储这些设置,如下所示:

public enum DisplaySettingType
    Manual, Auto, None

public class DisplaySetting
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public decimal Value { get; set; }
    public DisplaySettingType Type { get; set; }

Then you could use following LINQ query using string.Split to get all settings: 然后,您可以使用string.Split使用以下LINQ查询来获取所有设置:

decimal value = 0;
DisplaySettingType type = DisplaySettingType.None;

IEnumerable<DisplaySetting> settings = File.ReadLines(path)
    .Select(l => l.Trim().Split(new[] { ' ', ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries))
    .Where(arr => arr.Length >= 3 && decimal.TryParse(arr[1], out value) && Enum.TryParse(arr[2], out type))
    .Select(arr => new DisplaySetting { Name = arr[0], Value = value, Type = type });

With a regex and a little bit of linq you can do many things. 使用正则表达式和一点点linq,你可以做很多事情。
Here I assume you Know How to read a Text file . 在这里,我假设你知道如何阅读文本文件

Pros: If the file is not perfect, the reg exp will just ignore the misformatted line, and won't throw error. 优点:如果文件不完美,reg exp将忽略格式错误的行,并且不会抛出错误。

Here is a hardcode version of your file, note that a \\r will appears because of it. 这是您文件的硬编码版本,请注意,因为它会出现\\r Depending on the way you read you file but it should not be the case with a File.ReadLines() 取决于您读取文件的方式,但不应该是File.ReadLines()

string input =
@"Brightness 36 , Manual
BacklightCompensation 3 , Manual
ColorEnable 0 , None
Contrast 16 , Manual
Gain 5 , Manual
Gamma 122 , Manual
Hue 0 , Manual
Saturation 100 , Manual
Sharpness 2 , Manual
WhiteBalance 5450 , Auto";

string regEx = @"(.*) (\d+) , (.*)";

var RegexMatch = Regex.Matches(input, regEx).Cast<Match>();

var outputlist = RegexMatch.Select(x => new { setting = x.Groups[1].Value
                                              , value = x.Groups[2].Value
                                              , mode  = x.Groups[3].Value }); 

Regex explanation: /(.*) (\\d+) , (.*)/g 正则表达式解释: /(.*) (\\d+) , (.*)/g

1st Capturing Group (.*) 第一捕获组(。*)
.* matches any character (except for line terminators) .*匹配任何字符(行终止符除外)
* Quantifier — Matches between zero and unlimited times, as many times as possible, giving back as needed (greedy) *量词 - 在零和无限次之间匹配,尽可能多次,根据需要回馈(贪婪)
matches the character 匹配角色 literally (case sensitive) 字面意思(区分大小写)

2nd Capturing Group (\\d+) 第二捕获组(\\ d +)
\\d+ matches a digit (equal to [0-9]) \\d+匹配一个数字(等于[0-9])
+ Quantifier — Matches between one and unlimited times, as many times as possible, giving back as needed (greedy) +量词 - 在一次和无限次之间匹配,尽可能多次,根据需要回馈(贪婪)
, matches the characters , literally (case sensitive) ,匹配字符,字面意思(区分大小写)

3rd Capturing Group (.*) 第三捕获组(。*)
.* matches any character (except for line terminators) .*匹配任何字符(行终止符除外)
* Quantifier — Matches between zero and unlimited times, as many times as possible, giving back as needed (greedy) *量词 - 在零和无限次之间匹配,尽可能多次,根据需要回馈(贪婪)

Disclamer: Disclamer:

Never trust an input! 永远不要相信输入! Even if it's a file some other program did, or send by a customer. 即使它是某个其他程序所做的文件,也可能是客户发送的文件。

From my experience, you have then two ways of handeling bad format: 根据我的经验,你有两种处理不良格式的方法:
Read line by line, and register every bad line. 逐行读取,并记录每条坏线。
or Ignore them. 或者忽略它们。 You don't fit , you don't sit! 你不适合,你不坐!

And don't tell your self it won't happend, it will! 并且不要告诉你自己它不会发生,它会!

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