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[英]Find out the most frequency combination and add labels

I have a table with my customer data like this: 我有一个表格,其中包含我的客户数据:

Customer    Price
AAA            100
AAA            100
AAA            200
BBB            100
BBB            220
BBB            200
BBB            200

What I want to do is to find out the customer with the condition number of price >= 200 is more than number of price < 200 and add labels for them. 我想要做的是找出number of price >= 200 is more than number of price < 200的条件number of price >= 200 is more than number of price < 200并为它们添加标签。 for example: 例如:

Customer    LABELS
AAA            FALSE
BBB            TRUE

any ideas for this issue? 对这个问题的任何想法?


AAA    False
BBB     True
Name: Price, dtype: bool

Or if you insist on your format 或者如果你坚持你的格式


  Customer  Labels
0      AAA   False
1      BBB    True

Straightforward answer: 直截了当的答案:

    lambda g: (g['Price'] >= 200).sum() > (g['Price'] < 200).sum()

Summing a boolean vector will return the number of True values. 求和布尔向量将返回True值的数量。

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