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[英]how to live update data on localStorage.length()

how to update data localStorage.length without reload page ? 如何更新数据localStorage.length而不重新加载页面?

on event click, localStorage.SetItem(Item.name, count) Then data update it with the function .text(localStorage.length) , but data not updated. on event click, localStorage.SetItem(Item.name, count)然后数据用函数.text(localStorage.length)更新它,但数据没有更新。 thanks 谢谢

When you refresh the page you load the last localStorage.length . 刷新页面时,加载最后一个localStorage.length But when you reset the cart you do localStorage.clear(); 但是当你重置购物车时,你会做localStorage.clear(); so you empty the localStorage . 所以你清空localStorage In the next line you change the cart text: $('#cart_total').text('(' + storageCount + ')'); 在下一行中,您可以更改购物车文本: $('#cart_total').text('(' + storageCount + ')'); and you load the variable storageCount , but the problem is that you never updated that variable. 并且您加载变量storageCount ,但问题是您从未更新该变量。

Use this: 用这个:

$('#reset').on('click', function() {
   $('#cart_total').text('(' + localStorage.length + ')');

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