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从WHERE NOT EXISTS查询返回ActiveRecord关系

[英]Return ActiveRecord relation from WHERE NOT EXISTS query

Okay so here's a fun one. 好的,这是一个有趣的过程。 The relations are something like: 关系是这样的:

A Client has_many state_changes , and a StateChange belongs_to one Client . 一个Client has_many state_changesStateChange belongs_to一个Client

I have this query: Client.find_by_sql('SELECT * FROM clients cs WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM state_changes WHERE state_changes.client_id = cs.id AND current = true)') 我有这个查询: Client.find_by_sql('SELECT * FROM clients cs WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM state_changes WHERE state_changes.client_id = cs.id AND current = true)')

The problem is that this returns an Array object and not an ActiveRecord Relation . 问题在于这将返回Array对象而不是ActiveRecord Relation I need to run an update on the state_changes that belong to the returned clients from that query. 我需要在属于该查询返回的clientsstate_changes上运行更新。

So there's two issues essentially, getting the results as an ActiveRecord relation, and then getting all of their state_changes , also as an ActiveRecord relation, so that I can run the update. 因此,本质上存在两个问题, state_changes结果作为ActiveRecord关系获取,然后将其所有state_changes也作为ActiveRecord关系获取,以便我可以运行更新。

I also understand that this might be a convoluted way to go about it... 我也了解这可能是解决问题的复杂方法。

I also understand that this might be a convoluted way to go about it.. 我也了解这可能是解决问题的复杂方法。

Having easy AR interface - indeed it is convoluted :) 具有简单的AR界面-确实令人费解:)

I would probably go with some scope s: 我可能会使用一些scope s:

class StateChange
  scope :active, -> { where.not(current: false) }
  # I believe with your setup it is not equal to `where(current: true)`

class Client
  scope :some_smart_name, -> { includes(:state_changes).merge(StateChange.active) }

This should return you clients who who don't have associated state_changes with current set to false . 这将返回没有与state_changes关联且current设置为false客户端。

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