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带有静态外部js文件的Angular2 AOT编译

[英]Angular2 AOT Compilation with static external js file

Directed by the answer to my question about Server-side rendering , I'm looking at implementing AOT compilation in my Angular2 app. 在回答有关服务器端渲染的问题时 ,我正在考虑在Angular2应用程序中实现AOT编译。

A bit of background to the problem I'm having: we have a build running in Visual Studio Online, which runs webpack etc, and ships a functioning webapp. 我遇到的问题有一些背景知识:我们有一个在Visual Studio Online中运行的版本,该版本运行webpack等,并提供了一个正常运行的webapp。 We then have a release in VSO to different environments which puts some values (environment, base urls, important keys) into an env-config.js file. 然后,我们在VSO中发布了一个针对不同环境的版本,该版本将一些值(环境,基本url,重要键)放入env-config.js文件中。 This env-config.js file is not bundled and packaged within the app, but we access it as a global js variable within our Angular code. env-config.js文件未在应用程序内捆绑和打包,但我们在Angular代码中将其作为全局js变量进行访问。

env-config.js ENV-config.js

var envConfig = {
    'environment': 'local',
    'baseApiUrl': 'localhost:5555',

Within app-config.ts , we access envConfig from the window object, store this as a constant, and export the constant AppConfig , which we then register in app.module using an OpaqueToken . app-config.ts ,我们从窗口对象访问envConfig ,将其存储为常量,然后导出常量AppConfig ,然后使用OpaqueTokenapp.module注册。

app-config.ts APP-config.ts

export function getEnvConfig(): IAppEnvConfig {
    if (window == null) {
        return {
            'environment': '',
            'baseApiUrl': ''
    else {
        return (window as any).envConfig;

export const _envConfig: IAppEnvConfig = getEnvConfig();

export const AppConfig: IAppConfig = {
    applicationName: 'Web Application',
    environment: _envConfig.environment,
    baseApiUrl: _envConfig.baseApiUrl,
    otherSetting: 'someValue'

This works really well running in the browser with the JIT compiler. 这在使用JIT编译器的浏览器中运行非常好。 I'm following a combination of this and this and other tutorials to enable AOT compilation. 我正在结合使用教程和教程以及其他教程来启用AOT编译。

Running ngc gives me the following error: 运行ngc给我以下错误:

"node_modules/.bin/ngc" -p app/tsconfig-aot.json Error encountered 
resolving symbol values statically. Calling function 'getEnvConfig',  
function calls are not supported. Consider replacing the function or lambda 
with a reference to an exported function, resolving symbol AppConfig

I added the check for window == null in getEnvConfig() because I don't think window will be available during non-browser compilation. 我在getEnvConfig()添加了window == null的检查,因为我认为非浏览器编译期间window不会可用。 If getEnvConfig() does anything other than return an empty IAppEnvConfig object I get the ngc error. 如果getEnvConfig()除了返回一个空的IAppEnvConfig对象,除执行其他操作IAppEnvConfig我将收到ngc错误。

I have done a lot of Googling, but have found nothing specific to my issue, other than generic answers pointing towards using a factory function to create a new instance of a class, which I've tried to do here. 我已经做了很多Google搜寻工作,但是除了针对使用工厂函数创建类的新实例的通用答案之外,我没有发现任何针对我的问题的特例,这是我在这里尝试过的。

Sorry if that doesn't make much sense - please feel free to get clarification/tell me that I'm doing something incredibly stupid. 抱歉,如果这没有太大意义-请随时向我澄清/告诉我我做的事情非常愚蠢。

Thanks in advance, Alex 预先感谢Alex

I'm not sure if this solution will fit you, but I post it any way. 我不确定该解决方案是否适合您,但我会以任何方式发布。 I faced the same issue and foud the problem was quite easy to solve. 我遇到了同样的问题,觉得这个问题很容易解决。 Simply put your functions in a class. 只需将您的函数放在一个类中。 Something like this: 像这样:

export class AppConfig {
  _envConfig = AppConfig.getEnvConfig();
  AppConfig = {
    applicationName: 'Web Application',
    environment: this._envConfig.environment,
    baseApiUrl: this._envConfig.baseApiUrl,
    otherSetting: 'someValue'

  static getEnvConfig() {
    if (window == null) {
      return {
        'environment': '',
        'baseApiUrl': ''
    } else {
      return (window as any).envConfig;

  private constructor(){}

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