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迁移到react-router v4-带子级的路由,需要路由道具

[英]Migrating to react-router v4 - Route with children which requires router props

Can I get some advice on how to use my AppMain component which uses props passed down from react-router to get the data. 我可以获取有关如何使用AppMain组件的一些建议AppMain ,该组件使用从react-router传递下来的props来获取数据。

Here is what I have changed so far 到目前为止,这是我已更改的内容

v3: v3:

<Router history={browserHistory} >
  <Route component={AppMain} exact path="/" >
    <IndexRoute name="Home" component={Home} />
    <Route name="Site Details" path="/details" component={SiteDetails} />
    <Route name="Home" component={Home} path="*" />

v4 v4

          <Route component={AppMain} >
              <Grid fluid className={classnames('app-content', { 'expanded': !this.state.mobileView && this.state.open })}>
                  <Route name="Home" exact path="/" component={Home} />
                  <Route name="Site Details" exact path="/details" component={SiteDetails} />

As you can see, I have attempted multiple methods of showing AppMain and Home / SiteDetails at the same time. 如您所见,我尝试了同时显示AppMainHome / SiteDetails多种方法。 This method gives me this warning which shows AppMain but none of its children: 此方法给我以下警告,该警告显示AppMain但不显示AppMain

You should not use <Route component> and <Route children> in the same route; <Route children> will be ignored

The other method of using <AppMain> doesn't pass the props.location.state... which I am trying to convert my AppMain code to here: 使用<AppMain>的另一种方法没有传递props.location.state... ,我正在尝试将AppMain代码转换为此处:

v3 v3

if (props.params.division !== undefined) {
} else {

v4 v4

if (props.location.state !== undefined) {
  if (props.location.state.division !== undefined) {
  } else {
} else {

What if: 如果:

React Router v4: React Router v4:

              <Grid fluid className={classnames('app-content', { 'expanded': !this.state.mobileView && this.state.open })}>
                  <Route name="Home" exact path="/" component={Home} />
                  <Route name="Site Details" exact path="/details" component={SiteDetails} />

If you need location props in your AppMain , just wrap it with withRouter component: https://github.com/ReactTraining/react-router/blob/master/packages/react-router/docs/api/withRouter.md 如果您在AppMain需要定位道具,只需将其与withRouter组件一起包装withRouterhttps : //github.com/ReactTraining/react-router/blob/master/packages/react-router/docs/api/withRouter.md

Turns out all I needed to do was add a Route to AppMain outside the Switch with no path. 事实证明,我要做的就是在Switch外部添加到AppMainRoute ,而没有路径。

Here is my fix: 这是我的解决方法:

          <Route component={AppMain} />
              <Grid fluid className={classnames('app-content', { 'expanded': !this.state.mobileView && this.state.open })}>
                  <Route name="Site Details" exact path="/details" component={SiteDetails} />
                  <Route name="Home" component={Home} />

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