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wp-admin文件夹中WordPress AJAX呼叫显示的结果

[英]Result of WordPress AJAX Call Manifesting in wp-admin folder

I have a form in which users can select files and create a zip archive of the selected. 我有一个表单,用户可以在其中选择文件并创建所选文件的zip存档。 Everything is working as expected except for the fact that the zip file is created in the wp-admin folder. 除了zip文件是在wp-admin文件夹中创建的事实以外,其他所有操作均按预期进行。 Instead, I would like for it to be housed in a temp folder and deleted immediately after it has finished downloading. 相反,我希望将它放在一个临时文件夹中,并在完成下载后立即将其删除。

Here is the PHP code for the creation of the zip archive: 这是用于创建zip归档文件的PHP代码:

// Creates zip file
function bcg_zip_download() {

    $files = $_POST['checked'];

    $zip = new ZipArchive();
    $zip_name = time().".zip"; // Zip name
    $zip->open($zip_name,  ZipArchive::CREATE);
    $full = wp_upload_dir();
    $base = $full['baseurl'] .'/';

    if (is_array($files)){
        foreach ($files as $file) {
              $path = $file;
                  $zip->addFromString(basename($base . $path),  file_get_contents($base . $path)); 
              else {
               echo"file does not exist";

    $zip_file_path = $zip_name;
    echo admin_url(). '/' . $zip_name;

add_action( 'wp_ajax_nopriv_download_folder', 'bcg_zip_download' );
add_action( 'wp_ajax_download_folder', 'bcg_zip_download' );

Replace 更换

echo admin_url(). '/' . $zip_name;


echo site_url();.'/zip-folder/'.$zip_name;

Try changing these lines 尝试更改这些行

$zip_name = time().".zip"; // Zip name
$zip_output_path = get_home_path().'tmp/'.$zip_name; //tmp folder in wordpress root path //rewrite to your need
if (!file_exists(get_home_path().'tmp/')) {
    mkdir(get_home_path().'tmp/', 0777, true);
$zip->open($zip_output_path ,  ZipArchive::CREATE);

To delete the files, you may need to write another function to delete them right before you download them. 要删除文件,您可能需要在下载文件之前立即编写其他功能来删除它们。 REF http://php.net/manual/en/function.readfile.php OR write a cron to delete them periodically if that suits your application. REF http://php.net/manual/zh/function.readfile.php或编写cron以适合您的应用程序定期删除它们。

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