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将美国/东部转换为 UTC,包括夏令时 Python

[英]Convert US/Eastern to UTC including daylight savings Python

I was really surprised to not find an easy way to do this in Python.我真的很惊讶没有在 Python 中找到一种简单的方法来做到这一点。 We wrote this in December and it passed, because it was winter:我们在 12 月写了这个,它通过了,因为那是冬天:

def get_utc_time(dt_or_str, number_of_days=None, time_format=DATETIME_FORMAT):

    :param dt_or_str:
    eastern = pytz.timezone('US/Eastern')

    # try:
    if isinstance(dt_or_str, datetime):
        new_date_str = dt_or_str.strftime(time_format)
        new_date_obj = dt_or_str
        new_date_str = dt_or_str
        new_date_obj = datetime.strptime(dt_or_str, time_format)

    if not number_of_days:
        utc_time = eastern.localize(
            datetime.strptime(new_date_str, time_format),
        est_time = new_date_obj - timedelta(days=number_of_days)
        utc_time = eastern.localize(est_time, is_dst=None).astimezone(pytz.utc)

    utc_time = utc_time.replace(tzinfo=None)

What this did is add 5 hours to your time to make it UTC.这样做是为您的时间增加了 5 小时,使其成为 UTC。 It turns out in Spring/Summer Eastern time is only 4 hours behind UTC, so our code is now broken.事实证明,春季/夏季东部时间仅比 UTC 晚 4 小时,因此我们的代码现在已损坏。

This is the test we wrote that does not work in Summer:这是我们写的在 Summer 不起作用的测试:

def test_get_utc_time_incoming_string(self):
    result = get_utc_time("2017-02-02 04:38")
    self.assertEqual(result, datetime.datetime(2017, 2, 2, 8, 38))

How can you convert EST to UTC that will work year round?您如何将 EST 转换为全年可用的 UTC? I don't want to hard code it since daylight savings period changes each year.我不想硬编码它,因为夏令时每年都在变化。

Found this on an answer:在一个答案中找到了这个:

def is_daylight_savings(timezone_name):
    tz = pytz.timezone(timezone_name)
    now = pytz.utc.localize(datetime.utcnow())
    return now.astimezone(tz).dst() != timedelta(0)

so now this:所以现在这个:

def get_utc_time(dt_or_str, number_of_days=None, time_format=DATETIME_FORMAT):
    :param dt_or_str:
    eastern = pytz.timezone(TIMEZONE)
    it_is_daylight_savings = is_daylight_savings(TIMEZONE)

    if isinstance(dt_or_str, datetime):
        new_date_str = dt_or_str.strftime(time_format)
        new_date_obj = dt_or_str
        new_date_str = dt_or_str
        new_date_obj = datetime.strptime(dt_or_str, time_format)

    if not number_of_days:
        utc_time = eastern.localize(
            datetime.strptime(new_date_str, time_format),
        est_time = new_date_obj - timedelta(days=number_of_days)
        utc_time = eastern.localize(est_time, is_dst=it_is_daylight_savings).astimezone(pytz.utc)

    utc_time = utc_time.replace(tzinfo=None)

    return utc_time

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