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[英]Set value of HTML element from javascript

I am using session variable to keep track of items in the cart. 我正在使用会话变量来跟踪购物车中的物品。 I generate a table using loop to display contents of the cart. 我使用循环生成一个表来显示购物车的内容。 The code for table is as follow: 该表的代码如下:

  foreach($_SESSION['cart'] AS $product) {
    $grandTotal +=$total;

    <td class="cart_product">
        <img src=<?php $i=2; echo "images/".$table."/".$id.".jpg"?> height="150" width="150">
    <td class="cart_description">
        <h4><a href=""><?php echo $Name?></a></h4>
        <p><?php echo "Web ID: ".$id?></p>
    <td class="cart_price">
        <p><?php echo $price?></p>
    <td class="cart_quantity">
        <div class="cart_quantity_button">
            <a class="cart_quantity_up" href="addToCart.php?table=<?php echo $table ?>&action=inc&id=<?php echo $id ?>" id="increment"> + </a>
            <input class="cart_quantity_input" type="text" name="quantity" id="qty" value="<?php echo $qty?>" autocomplete="off" size="2">
            <!-- <p class="cart_quantity_input" name="qunatity" id="qty"><?php echo $qty?></p>-->
            <a class="cart_quantity_down" href="addToCart.php?table=men&action=dec&id=<?php echo $id ?>" name="decreament" > - </a>
    <td class="cart_total">
        <p class="cart_total_price"><?php echo $total ?></p>
    <td class="cart_delete">
        <a class="cart_quantity_delete" href="addToCart.php?table=men&action=del&id=<?php echo $id ?>"><i class="fa fa-times"></i></a>


I am having problem with + and - buttons within a tags. 我有问题, +-内按钮a标签。 I want to increment or decrement value in input field named quantity . 我想在输入字段quantity增加或减少值。 But since i am generating table in a loop i do not know the id of each field. 但是由于我是在循环中生成表,所以我不知道每个字段的ID。 I want to do something like this: 我想做这样的事情:

    $(document).ready(function () {
        $("#increment").click(function () {
            var oldval=document.getElementById("qty").value;
            var newval=parseInt(oldval);

But this method always increments first quantity field in the table. 但是此方法总是增加表中的第一数量字段。 How do i get ids of other quantity fields in the table? 如何获取表格中其他数量字段的ID?

Dont use ids inside loop.Just use class for that>check the snippet for a smaple demo 不要在循环中使用id。只需使用class>检查代码片段以获取演示模板

 $(document).ready(function () { $(".increment").click(function () { var oldval = $(this).prev('.qty').val(); var newval = parseInt(oldval)+ 1; $(this).prev('.qty').val(newval); }); $(".decrement").click(function () { var oldval = $(this).next('.qty').val(); var newval = parseInt(oldval) - 1; $(this).next('.qty').val(newval); }); }); 
 <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <table> <tr> <td>sl No</td> <td>name</td> <td>Dept</td> <td>dummy</td> <td>dummy</td> <td>dummy</td> </tr> <tr> <td>1</td> <td>name</td> <td> </td> <td>name</td> <td>name</td> <td> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>2</td> <td>name</td> <td>Dept</td> <td>name</td> <td> <button class="decrement"> - </button> <input type="text" class="qty" value="1"/> <button class="increment">+ </button> </td> <td>name</td> </tr> <tr> <td>3</td> <td>name</td> <td>name</td> <td>name</td> <td>name</td> <td>name</td> </tr> </table> 

Don't use same id for multiple elements instead use class like below 不要对多个元素使用相同的id,而应使用如下所示的类

<a class="cart_quantity_up" href="addToCart.php?table=<?php echo $table ?>&action=inc&id=<?php echo $id ?>" class="increment">

same is case of decrement button user class 递减按钮用户类的情况相同

<a class="cart_quantity_down" href="addToCart.php?table=men&action=dec&id=<?php echo $id ?>" name="decreament" class="decreament"> - </a>

You can bind click event to these anchors and change the quantity in input inside same parent div 您可以将click事件绑定到这些锚点并更改同一父div内输入的数量

  $('.increment').on('click', function(){
      var $parent = $(this).closest('.cart_quantity_button');
      var $input = $parent.find('.cart_quantity_input');
      var value = $input.val();
      value = parseInt(value)+1;
  $('.decreament').on('click', function(){
      var $parent = $(this).closest('.cart_quantity_button');
      var $input = $parent.find('.cart_quantity_input');
      var value = $input.val();
      value = parseInt(value)-1;

There are 2 solutions to this problem: 有两种解决方案:

  1. When generating table using php, assign unique id to each row's <a> and <input> , such as #increment_id8878 and #input_id8878 . 使用php生成表时,请为每行的<a><input>分配唯一的ID,例如#increment_id8878#input_id8878 Then when #increment or #decreament button is clicked, operate <input> with corresponding id. 然后,当单击#increment#decreament按钮时,用相应的ID操作<input>

  2. Operate <input> element with jQuery's relative selector. 使用jQuery的相对选择器操作<input>元素。

For example: 例如:

$('.increment').click(function() {
    var inputEle = $(this).siblings('input');
    var originVal = inputEle.val();
    inputEle.val(parseInt(originVal) + 1);

A jsfiddle is made for the 2nd solution. jsfiddle用于第二种解决方案。

BTW, duplicate id should be avoided in HTML code. 顺便说一句,在HTML代码中应避免重复的ID。

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