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\\ main.cpp | 103 |错误:“ operator &lt;&lt;”不匹配(操作数类型为“ std :: ostream {aka std :: basic_ostream <char> }”和“人”)

[英]\main.cpp|103|error: no match for 'operator<<' (operand types are 'std::ostream {aka std::basic_ostream<char>}' and 'Person')

this is my first question so please bear with any formatting mistakes i make, I'll try to edit them :) 这是我的第一个问题,所以请忍受我犯的任何格式错误,我将尝试对其进行编辑:)

I've got this function which finds the max of three variables of some data type X and returns it. 我有这个函数,它找到某个数据类型X的三个变量的最大值并返回它。

template <class X>
X fmax(X a, X b, X c)
    X temp=a;
    if (b>temp)
    return temp;

Then there is the class Person which looks like this 然后是班级人,看起来像这样

class Person
    char* name;
    int height;
    char gender;
    Person(char * name,int height, char gender)
        int sz=strlen(name);
        this->name= new char [sz];
    void setName(char* name)
        int sz=strlen(name);
        this->name= new char [sz];
    void setHeight(int h){this->height=h;}
    void setGender(char g){this->gender=g;}
    char* getName(){return this->name;}
    int getHeight(){return this->height;}
    char getGender(){return this->gender;}

    Person operator= (Person p)
        int sz=strlen(p.getName());
        this->name= new char [sz];
        return *this;

    bool operator> (Person p)
        if(this->getHeight()>p.getHeight())//The persons should be compared using their heights.
            return true;
        return false;

and I also overloaded the ostream: 而且我也重载了ostream:

ostream &operator<<(ostream &mystream, Person &p)
mystream<<"The person's name is: "<<p.getName()<<endl;
mystream<<"The person's height is: "<<p.getHeight()<<endl;
mystream<<"The person's gender is: "<<p.getGender()<<endl;
return mystream;

But I'm getting the error in my main: 但是我的主要错误:

int main()
    Person a("Zacky",178,'m');
    Person b("Jimmy",199,'m');
    Person c("Matt",200,'m');
    Person d=fmax(a,b,c);
    cout<<fmax(a,b,c);<<endl;//the error strikes here.
    return 0;

Apparently I can cout the object d after i've initialised it using the fmax function but can't directly cout what is returned by the function. 显然,我可以使用fmax函数初始化对象d后退出它,但不能直接退出该函数返回的内容。 Any idea about what I need to fix? 关于我需要解决的任何想法?

PS I'm totally sorry if this was asked before, I searched the site and didn't find something similar :/ PS我很抱歉,如果以前曾问过这个问题,我搜索了该网站,却没有找到类似的东西:/

You need to change the following things: 您需要更改以下内容:

Since fmax() returns an unchangable rvalue you should use 由于fmax()返回不可更改的右值,因此您应该使用

ostream &operator<<(ostream &mystream, const Person &p);
                                    // ^^^^^

as signature for the output operator overloading (I would recommend doing that in general). 作为输出运算符重载的签名(我通常建议这样做)。

That in turn would require to make your getter functions const member functions: 进而需要使您的getter函数成为const成员函数:

class Person
   // ...
    const char* getName() const {return this->name;}
    int getHeight() const {return this->height;}
    char getGender() const {return this->gender;}


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