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[英]Filling in the missing field for column in data frame in R

I have the following columns: 我有以下专栏:

casenum  box type  number of balls in the box
  1         A               10
  1         B               20
  2         B               1
  2         C               2
  2         D               12
  3         A               10
  3         B               20
  3         C               1
  3         D               2
  .         .               .
  .         .               .
  .         .               .

Basically there are 4 box types (A, B, C, D) and for each casenum, if there's no balls in a box, it doesn't appear. 基本上有4种盒子类型(A,B,C,D),对于每个盒子,如果盒子里没有球,它就不会出现。 However, I want each box type to appear like this. 但是,我希望每个盒子类型都像这样。

casenum  box type  number of balls in the box
  1         A               10
  1         B               20
  1         C               0
  1         D               0
  1         A               0
  2         B               1
  2         C               2
  2         D               12
  3         A               10
  3         B               20
  3         C               1
  3         D               2
  .         .               .
  .         .               .
  .         .               .

is there an easy way to do that? 有一个简单的方法吗?

Or I can have in in a format 或者我可以使用某种格式

casenum    ballnum in A     ballnum in B     ballnum in C     ballnum in D 
  1            10                20              0                  0
  2            0                  1              2                 12
  3            10                20              1                  2
  .            .                  .              .                  .
  .            .                  .              .                  .

I used while loop to achieve this, but I was wondering if there's a way of doing it (using some libraries that I'm not aware of) without using loops. 我使用while循环来实现这一点,但我想知道是否有一种方法(使用一些我不知道的库)而不使用循环。

I would create a new data.frame with all the possible combinations of box and casenum and then add the number of balls: 我会创建一个新的data.frame,包含box和casenum的所有可能组合,然后添加球的数量:

df<-read.table(text="casenum  box  number
1         A               10
1         B               20
2         B               1
2         C               2
2         D               12
3         A               10
3         B               20
3         C               1
3         D               2", header=T)

dftot <- data.frame(casenum=rep(1:3, each=4), box=c("A","B","C","D"), stringsAsFactors = F) #create new df with all combinations of casenum and box
dftot$number <- df$number[match(paste(dftot$casenum,dftot$box),paste(df$casenum, df$box))] #add numbers from your original data.frame
dftot$number[is.na(dftot$number)] <- 0 #change all NA values to 0

Its the job for xtabs in base R where df is your data frame: 它是基础R中xtabs的工作,其中df是你的数据框:

xtabs(number~., df)

#       box
#casenum  A  B  C  D
#      1 10 20  0  0
#      2  0  1  2 12
#      3 10 20  1  2

We can use acast from reshape2 我们可以使用acastreshape2

acast(df, casenum~box, fill=0)
#   A  B C  D
#1 10 20 0  0
#2  0  1 2 12
#3 10 20 1  2

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