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[英]nodejs how to dynamically manipulate your MongoDB aggregate in your controller?

I have a very loooong aggregate in my nodejs controller: 我的nodejs控制器中有一个非常宽松的集合:

        $match: {
                _id: { $in: req.body.propertyID },
                active : true
    }, etc....

And it works great when I got elements in my req.body.propertyID like ["property01","property02"] etc... 当我在req.body.propertyID中获得诸如[“ property01”,“ property02”]等元素时,它的效果很好。

My problem is that I also want the aggregate to work when there are nothing in req.body.propertyID. 我的问题是,当req.body.propertyID中没有任何内容时,我也希望聚合工作。 (when its blank) - and then get all records. (空白时)-然后获取所有记录。

This does not work: 这不起作用:

        $match: {
                _id: { $in: '' },
                active : true
    }, etc....

So rather than doing an "if" with two huge sets of almost identical code: 因此,与其对两组几乎完全相同的代码进行“如果”分析:

if (req.body.propertyID) {
   ...the entire aggregate... 
} else {
   ...the entire aggregate minus the _id: { $in: req.body.propertyID },... 

Is there a smarter way to do this? 有更聪明的方法吗?

SOLUTION!! 解!! Thanks to FluffyNights :) 感谢FluffyNights :)

if (req.body.propertyID!='') {
    var matchStr = { 
        $match: {
                _id: { $in: req.body.propertyID },
                active : true
} else {
    var matchStr = { 
        $match: {
                active : true
agentSaleModel.aggregate([ matchStr, etc..... (rest of pipeline)

you could do it like this: 您可以这样做:

let query = [
        $match: {
                active : true
if(req.body.propertyID) {
   query[0]["$match"]["$and"][0]["_id"] = { $in: req.body.propertyID };
agentSaleModel.aggregate(query, ...)

you could also use regex, like: 您还可以使用正则表达式,例如:

    req.body.propertyID = [ ".*" ];
    $match: {
            _id: { $in: req.body.propertyID },
            active : true
}, etc....

however, this might get slow. 但是,这可能会变慢。 Im not sure if passing null to $in would work the way you want, you could try it though. 我不确定是否将null传递给$ in是否可以按照您想要的方式工作,但是您可以尝试一下。

What about trying to construct query before running it. 尝试在运行查询之前构造查询呢?

For example. 例如。

var query = req.body.propertyID ? { $and: [{_id: { $in: req.body.propertyID }, active : true}]} : {active : true}

   $match: query
}, etc....

Hope this helps. 希望这可以帮助。

Here's an inline solution using computed property names : 这是使用计算出的属性名称的内联解决方案:

$match: {
  $and: [
      _id: { [ req.body.propertyID ? '$in' : '$exists' ] : req.body.propertyID || true },
      active: true,

When req.body.propertyID exists, the query becomes: 当存在req.body.propertyID时,查询变为:

_id : { $in : req.body.propertyID }

If not: 如果不:

_id : { $exists : true }

EDIT : this will also allow req.body.propertyID to equal "ALL" if you explicitly want to match all documents: 编辑 :如果您明确想匹配所有文档,这还将允许req.body.propertyID等于"ALL"

let selectAll = ! req.body.propertyID || req.body.propertyID === 'ALL';
const query = {
  $match: {
    $and: [
        _id: { [ selectAll ? '$exists' : '$in' ] : selectAll || req.body.propertyID },
        active: true,

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