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Moq和C#:无效的回调。 具有参数的方法上的设置无法调用具有参数的回调

[英]Moq & C#: Invalid callback. Setup on method with parameters cannot invoke callback with parameters

The actual interface signature goes like this 实际的接口签名是这样的

Task<GeneralResponseType> UpdateAsync(ICustomerRequest<IEnumerable<CustomerPreference>> request, CancellationToken cancellationToken, ILoggingContext loggingContext = null);

Testcase: 测试用例:

ICustomerRequest<IEnumerable<CustomerPreference>> t = null;
CancellationToken t1 = new CancellationToken();
LoggingContext t2 = null;
this.customerPreferenceRepositoryMock.Setup(x => x.UpdateAsync(
    .Callback<ICustomerRequest<IEnumerable<CustomerPreference>>,CancellationToken, LoggingContext>((a, b, c) => { t = a ; t1 =b;t2= c; });

The setup is throwing an exception in the testcase,as below 设置在测试用例中引发异常,如下所示

Invalid callback. 无效的回调。 Setup on method with parameters (ICustomerRequest 1,CancellationToken,ILoggingContext) cannot invoke callback with parameters (ICustomerRequest 1,CancellationToken,LoggingContext). 具有参数(ICustomerRequest 1,CancellationToken,ILoggingContext) cannot invoke callback with parameters (ICustomerRequest 1,CancellationToken,LoggingContext)的1,CancellationToken,ILoggingContext) cannot invoke callback with parameters (ICustomerRequest

What is wrong I am doing? 我在做什么错?

I have verified Moq: Invalid callback. 我已经验证了起订量:无效的回调。 Setup on method with parameters cannot invoke callback with parameters 具有参数的方法上的设置无法调用具有参数的回调

But I didn't see any help. 但是我没有任何帮助。

As mentioned in the comments the Callback parameters used do not match the method definition. 如注释中所述,所使用的Callback参数与方法定义不匹配。 Even though the Setup uses It.IsAny<LoggingContext> the method definition uses ILoggingContext parameter 即使Setup使用It.IsAny<LoggingContext> ,方法定义也使用ILoggingContext参数

Change t2 to t2更改为

ILoggingContext t2 = null;

And update the Callback to 并将Callback更新为

.Callback<ICustomerRequest<IEnumerable<CustomerPreference>>,CancellationToken, ILoggingContext>((a, b, c) => { 
    t = a; 
    t1 = b;
    t2 = c; 

or 要么

.Callback((ICustomerRequest<IEnumerable<CustomerPreference>> a, 
           CancellationToken b, 
           ILoggingContext c) => { 
        t = a; 
        t1 = b;
        t2 = c; 

Either way will work. 无论哪种方式都可以。

I would also advise that the Setup return a completed Task so as to allow for the test to flow asynchronously as expected. 我也建议Setup返回一个完成的Task ,以便允许测试按预期异步进行。

    .Setup(x => x.UpdateAsync(
    .Callback((ICustomerRequest<IEnumerable<CustomerPreference>> a, 
               CancellationToken b, 
               ILoggingContext c) => { 
                    t = a; 
                    t1 = b;
                    t2 = c; 
                    //Use the input to create a response
                    //and pass it to the `ReturnsAsync` method
    .ReturnsAsync(new GeneralResponseType()); //Or some pre initialized derivative.

Review Moq's QuickStart to get a better understanding of how to use the framework. 查看Moq的快速入门 ,以更好地了解如何使用该框架。

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