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[英]Ionic 2 tabs double tap

I have a dynamic tabs page in my Ionic2 app that looks like this: 我的Ionic2应用程序中有一个动态标签页,如下所示:

<ion-tabs #myTabs class="tabs-md" type="md" [tabsHighlight]="true" [selectedIndex]="mySelectedIndex">
  <ion-tab *ngFor="let tab of tabRoots" [root]="tab.page" [tabTitle]="tab.name" [tabIcon]="tab.icon"></ion-tab>

When the user taps on a tab that is already selected and is therefore the root page already, the page will still reload. 当用户点击已经选择的选项卡,因此已经是根页面时,该页面仍将重新加载。 The issue is that I have a few custom animations that rerun when this happens. 问题是,发生这种情况时,我有一些自定义动画会重新运行。 So I want to disable the ability to navigate to your same root page. 因此,我想禁用导航到您的相同根页面的功能。

I've tried putting 我试过了

ionViewCanLeave() {
  return //viewchild of #myTabs and returns true if next page does not equal current page.

This worked in that it stopped the refresh of the current root page, but the app crashes when navigating to another page that isnt a root (a child page) because myTabs reference is undefined. 这样做的原因是,它停止了当前根页面的刷新,但是,由于未定义myTabs引用,因此导航到非根目录的另一个页面(子页面)时,应用程序崩溃。

Any advice on how to accomplish this? 有关如何完成此操作的任何建议? I would prefer to handle this from my tabs controller. 我希望从我的tabs控制器处理此问题。

Try : ionSelected() { // DO SOMETHING OR NOT } 尝试: ionSelected() { // DO SOMETHING OR NOT }

In your 'HomePage' for example. 以您的“首页”为例。

Links : https://forum.ionicframework.com/t/capturing-ion-tab-click-on-active-tab-event/56594/27 链接: https : //forum.ionicframework.com/t/capturing-ion-tab-click-on-active-tab-event/56594/27

I Hope I could help you. 希望可以为您服务。

This was caused by a bug in ionic which was fixed in version 3.0.1 这是由3.0.1版中修复的离子错误引起的

https://github.com/ionic-team/ionic/pull/11084 https://github.com/ionic-team/ionic/pull/11084

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