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[英]Polymer 2.0: Sub-components not rendered in tests on Chrome

I've got a simple Polymer component using 2 different components. 我有一个使用2个不同组件的简单Polymer组件。 When used on page, everything works fine but when I run tests, they fail on Chrome only. 当在页面上使用时,一切正常,但是当我运行测试时,它们仅在Chrome上失败。 Contents of sub-components moment-element and duration-view are not rendered. 未呈现子组件moment-elementduration-view的内容。

<link rel="import" href="../../bower_components/polymer/polymer-element.html">
<link rel="import" href="../../bower_components/moment-element/moment-element.html">
<link rel="import" href="../duration-view/duration-view.html">

<dom-module id="issue-row">
            <moment-element datetime="[[startDate]]" output-format="[[startDateFormat]]"></moment-element>
            <moment-element datetime="[[endDate]]" output-format="[[endDateFormat]]"></moment-element>
            <duration-view date-from="[[startDate]]" date-to="[[endDate]]"></duration-view>

        class IssueRow extends Polymer.Element {
            static get is() { return 'issue-row'; }
            static get properties() {
                return {
                    issue : String,
                    startDate : String,
                    endDate : String,
                    startDateFormat : {
                        type : String,
                        value : 'D.MM HH:mm'
                    endDateFormat : {
                        type : String,
                        value : 'HH:mm'

        window.customElements.define(IssueRow.is, IssueRow);
<link rel="import" href="../../bower_components/polymer/polymer-element.html">
<link rel="import" href="../../bower_components/moment-element/moment-import.html">
<link rel="import" href="moment-duration-format-import.html">

<dom-module id="duration-view">
        some static content which is not rendered.

        class DurationView extends Polymer.Element {
            static get is() { return 'duration-view'; }
            static get properties() {
                return {
                    format : {
                        type : String,
                        value : "hh:mm"
                    duration : {
                        type : String,
                        value : '00:00:00'
                    dateFrom : String,
                    dateTo : String,
                    formattedDuration : {
                        type : String,
                        notify : true
            static get observers() {
                return ['_computeDuration(duration, dateFrom, dateTo, format)']
            _computeDuration(duration, dateFrom, dateTo, format) {
                console.log(duration, dateFrom, dateTo, format);
                var output;
                if (dateFrom && dateTo) {
                    var from = moment(dateFrom);
                    var to = moment(dateTo);
                    if (!from.isValid() || !to.isValid()) {
                        this.set('formattedDuration', 'Invalid date');
                    output = moment.duration(to.diff(from), 'ms');
                } else {
                    output = moment.duration(duration);
                this.set('formattedDuration', output.format(format, {trim: false}));

        window.customElements.define(DurationView.is, DurationView);
  <test-fixture id="BasicTestFixture">
      <issue-row issue="PR-493" start-date="2017-05-18 11:00" end-date="2017-05-18 14:30"></issue-row>

      suite('issue-row', function () {

        test('displays issue number, dates and duration', function () {
          var element = fixture('BasicTestFixture');
          var elementShadowRoot = element.shadowRoot;
          var elementText = elementShadowRoot.textContent;


I've got assertion error on second expect call: 我在第二个expect调用上有断言错误:

Error: expected '\n        \n            PR-493\n            \n            -\n            \n            \n        \n    ' to contain '18.05'
  Context.<anonymous> at issue-row_test.html:32

console.log in _computeDuration outputs only default values (or empty) when testing on chrome. 在chrome上进行测试时, _computeDuration console.log _computeDuration输出默认值(或为空)。

This works fine on Firefox and fails on Chrome. 在Firefox上运行正常,而在Chrome上运行失败。 Test results: 检测结果:

chrome 58 (5/0/1)                       firefox 53 (6/0/0)

The problem is a misunderstanding of shadow DOM concept. 问题是对影子DOM概念的误解。 Elements are rendered but they are not showing in standard DOM traversal. 元素已呈现,但未在标准DOM遍历中显示。 In this particular case, textContent , innerHTML and outerHTML properties ignore shadow elements. 在这种情况下, textContentinnerHTMLouterHTML属性会忽略阴影元素。 It worked on Firefox because it lacks shadow DOM support and it renders everything in standard DOM tree. 它可以在Firefox上运行,因为它缺少影子DOM支持,并且可以在标准DOM树中呈现所有内容。

I made a simple tool for testing contents of nested components: 我做了一个简单的工具来测试嵌套组件的内容:

window.deep = function (element) {
    return {
        textContent : (function () {
            if (element.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) {
                return element.textContent;
            var children;
            if (element.shadowRoot) {
                children = element.shadowRoot.childNodes;
            } else {
                children = element.childNodes;
            var content = [];
            for (var i in children) {
            return content.join('');

Feel free to use this concept if you need to. 如果需要,请随意使用此概念。 Usage: deep(fixture('fixtureId')).textContent 用法: deep(fixture('fixtureId')).textContent

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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