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[英]Constructor Enum error

public enum ProductCategory {

private final String label;

private ProductCategory(String label){
this.label = label;

public String getLabel(){
        return label;

I want to implement method getLabel() in this enum class, but I am gettin error: "The constructor ProductCategory() is undefined". 我想在此枚举类中实现方法getLabel(),但我却遇到错误:“构造函数ProductCategory()未定义”。

I already have constructor that I need, what else I need to write? 我已经有了所需的构造函数,还需要编写什么? I tried to write default constructor but again I am getting error. 我尝试编写默认构造函数,但再次出现错误。

PS I am total beginner in java. PS我是java的初学者。

错误来自enum成员的声明:由于构造函数采用String label ,因此您需要提供字符串以传递给该构造函数:

FOOD("food"), BEVERAGE("bev"), DEFAULT("[default]");

The only constructor you've currently got requires a string to be passed in - but all the enum values ( FOOD , BEVERAGE , DEFAULT ) don't specify strings, so they can't call the constructor. 您当前拥有的唯一构造函数要求传入一个字符串-但所有枚举值( FOODBEVERAGEDEFAULT均未指定字符串,因此它们无法调用该构造函数。

Two options: 两种选择:

  • Add a parameterless constructor: 添加一个无参数的构造函数:

     private ProductCategory() {} 

    This wouldn't associate labels with your enum values though. 但是,这不会将标签与您的枚举值相关联。

  • Specify the label on each value: 在每个值上指定标签:

     FOOD("Food"), BEVERAGE("Beverage"), DEFAULT("Default"); 

The latter is almost certainly what you want. 后者几乎可以肯定是您想要的。

Enum constructor can be called while declaring the Enum members itself. 可以在声明Enum成员本身时调用Enum构造函数。

public enum ProductCategory

        private final String label;

        ProductCategory(String label)
            this.label = label;

        public String getLabel()
            return label;
public enum ProductCategory {

    private final String label;

    private ProductCategory(String label) {
        this.label = label;

    public String getLabel() {
        return label;

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