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Spring Boot JPA-具有嵌套对象和ID的json

[英]Spring boot JPA - json with nested object and id

I am trying to do a project with some basic ORM relationships and REST controllers for sending jsons. 我正在尝试使用一些基本的ORM关系和REST控制器来发送json的项目。

One of my POJOs looks like this: 我的一个POJO如下所示:

@Table(name = "product_models")
public class ProductModel extends BaseEntityWithName {
  @ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.EAGER)
  @JoinColumn(name = "manufacturer_id")
  private ProductManufacturer manufacturer;

  --constr + setters + getters--


When making get requests, the response looks something like this: 发出get请求时,响应如下所示:

  id: 1, 
  name: "Product 1", 
  manufacturer: {
                   id: 1, 
                   name: "Manufacturer 1"

Is there any way to get the request look something like this?(Return both the foreign key id and the nested object) 有什么办法可以使请求看起来像这样?(同时返回外键ID和嵌套对象)

  id: 1, 
  name: "Product 1", 
  manufacturer_id: 1
  manufacturer: {
                   id: 1, 
                   name: "Manufacturer 1"

You can just add an additional getter to ProductModel and make them @Transient 您可以向ProductModel添加一个额外的getter并将其设置为@Transient

public Long getManufacturerId() {
  return manufacturer == null ? null : manufacturer.getId();

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