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[英]PHP Getting A Records Only Using dns_record

I am making an IP grab script for servers and I had some issues with my code. 我正在为服务器制作IP抓取脚本,我的代码遇到了一些问题。 I want to grab just the ip addresses of servers using dns_get_record without the extra bloat in the default output. 我只想使用dns_get_record来获取服务器的ip地址,而在默认输出中不会出现额外的膨胀。 However, my current script displays a blank output when ran. 但是,我当前的脚本在运行时显示空白输出。 And no. 和不。 I can't simply use gethostbyname, as it has to be compatible with querying wan ips for the server the code is running on. 我不能简单地使用gethostbyname,因为它必须与查询运行代码的服务器的wan ips兼容。 Here is my code so far: 到目前为止,这是我的代码:

function test() {
    $host = "google.com";
     $result = dns_get_record("$host", DNS_A);
foreach ($result as $record) {
    echo $record['target'];

Fixed code (works properly): 固定代码(正常工作):

function test() {
    $host = "google.com";
     $result = dns_get_record("$host", DNS_A);
foreach ($result as $record) {
    echo $record['ip'];

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