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[英]javascript method chaining comparison

I was trying to chain ex1 and ex2 functions and display true or false after comparing value provided in the chained methods. 我尝试链接ex1和ex2函数,并在比较链接方法中提供的值后显示true或false。

function test() {
   var ex1 = function(parm) {
      return this;

   var ex2 = function(par) {
      return this;

   var result = function() {
      console.log('compare and display a boolean result '+ex1(parm).ex2(par));
var res = test();

Thanks in advance for your help. 在此先感谢您的帮助。

You can do this: 你可以这样做:

 function Test() { this.ex1 = function(parm) { this.param1 = parm; return this; } this.ex2 = function(par) { this.param2 = par; return this; } this.result = function() { console.log('compare and display a boolean result ' + (this.param1 == this.param2)); } //return this; }; var res = new Test(); res.ex1('Sam').ex2('Sam').result(); 

Edited my answer so as not to pollute the global namespace as suggested by Ced . 编辑我的答案,以免污染Ced所建议的全局名称空间。 Also, if you go this route, move your methods from within constructor function to prototype object of Test . 同样,如果走这条路线,请将您的方法从构造函数内部移至Test原型对象。 So, as an example ex1 should be written like 因此,例如,ex1应该写成

Test.prototype.ex1 = function(parm) {
               this.parm = parm;
               return this;

Same goes for other methods. 其他方法也一样。

You can use a object literal, and make this more readable: 您可以使用对象文字,并使其更具可读性:

 var Test = { that: function(param) { this.param1 = param; return this; }, isEqualTo: function(param) { this.param2 = param; return this.param1 === this.param2; } }; console.log(Test.that('abc').isEqualTo('cba')); // false console.log(Test.that('123').isEqualTo('321')); // false console.log(Test.that('asd').isEqualTo('asd')); // true console.log(Test.that('tre').isEqualTo('tre')); // true // or just reusing Test.that('word'); console.log(Test.isEqualTo('drow')); // false console.log(Test.isEqualTo('world')); // false console.log(Test.isEqualTo('word')); // true 

function test() {
   var ex1 = function(parm) {
      return this;

   var ex2 = function(par) {
      return this;

   var result = function() {
      console.log('compare and display a boolean result '+ex1(parm).ex2(par));

So when this executes it returns nothing: 因此,当执行此命令时,它什么也不返回:

var res = Test();

Thus res is undefined. 因此res是不确定的。 Thus ex1 doesn't exists on undefined by definition. 因此,ex1在未定义的情况下不存在。


What the answer above me suggest is to return this. 我上面的答案建议是返回这个。 Don't do that. 不要那样

function test() {
  this.ex1 = function(parm) {
    this.param1 = parm;
    return this;

  this.ex2 = function(par) {
    this.param2 = par;
    return this;

  this.result = function() {

    console.log('compare and display a boolean result ' + (this.param1 == this.param2));
  return this;

When it enters the function this equals windows. 当它进入功能this等于窗口。 Thus you are polluting the window object. 因此,您正在污染窗口对象。

What you could do instead: 您可以做什么:

function Test() {
   this.ex1 = function(parm) {
      this.parm = parm;
      return this;

   this.ex2 = function(par) {
      this.par = par;

      return this;

   this.result = function() {
      console.log('compare and display a boolean result '+ (this.parm === this.par));
var res = new Test();


You call new Test() : a new object is created {} where the this value points to it. 您调用new Test():在{}处创建一个新对象,该值指向该对象。 Then the function is executed. 然后执行该功能。 So the object now contains the functions and doesn't pollute your window. 因此,该对象现在包含函数,并且不会污染您的窗口。

You could return an object with a function inside and if the inner function is called, the return theresult without using another function for calling. 您可以返回一个内部带有函数的对象,如果调用了内部函数,则返回结果而无需使用另一个函数进行调用。

 function test(value1) { return { equals: function (value2) { return value1 === value2; } }; } console.log(test(1).equals(1)); console.log(test(1).equals(2)); 

For using the above with an explict calling of result , you could add a result property in the return object, like 为了将以上内容与显式调用result ,您可以在return对象中添加result属性,例如

 function test(value1) { return { equals: function (value2) { return { result: function () { return value1 === value2; } }; } }; } console.log(test(1).equals(1).result()); console.log(test(1).equals(2).result()); 

The nearly the same as above with an object with all properties 具有所有属性的对象几乎与上面相同

 function test(value1) { var v2, object = { equals: function (value2) { v2 = value2; return object; }, result: function () { return value1 === v2; } }; return object; } console.log(test(1).equals(1).result()); console.log(test(1).equals(2).result()); 

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