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[英]How to add Release Notes file path reference in nuspec file

I'm working on a solution which has several projects. 我正在研究一个有多个项目的解决方案。 Each project has it's own release notes.I need to specify path of the release notes in the specific project's nuspec file. 每个项目都有自己的发行说明。我需要在特定项目的nuspec文件中指定发行说明的路径。 How do I achieve that?.. If I just add file path it doesn't seem to work. 我该如何实现呢?..如果我只是添加文件路径,它似乎不起作用。 Could you please help. 能否请你帮忙。

This is how my nuspec file looks like: 这是我的nuspec文件的样子:

    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <package >
        <id>Test Framework</id>
        <authors>Test Team</authors>
        <description>Test nuget Package</description>
          <dependency id="NUnit" version="2.6.4" />
          <dependency id="Nancy.Hosting.Self" version="0.23.1" />
          <dependency id="System.IO.Abstractions" version="" />
          <!--Dlls for NugetPackage-->
         <file src="\TestBase\bin\$BuildConfig$\TestBase.dll" target="lib\net46"/>
 <file src="\TestBase\Docs\ReleaseNotes.doc" target="lib\net46"/>

The path to the file must be relative to the folder that the .nuspec file is in. So is the TestBase folder immediately below the nuspec file? 该文件的路径必须相对于.nuspec文件所在的文件夹。那么nuspec文件正下方的TestBase文件夹吗? Also you don't need the first backslash, and I don't think that the target attribute will have any relevance for document files, so you could drop it if you want. 另外,您不需要第一个反斜杠,并且我认为target属性与文档文件没有任何关系,因此可以根据需要删除它。

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