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[英]Orange data mining - not loading excel columns as numeric

I am currently working on a project about satellites and visualizing particular data about satellites from each country. 我目前正在从事有关卫星的项目,并将来自每个国家的卫星的特定数据可视化。 For the data I am using Microsoft Excel. 对于数据,我使用的是Microsoft Excel。 When loading the data from it, everything is fine, except the fact that 4 of my columns (which contain only numeric data) are loaded only as meta strings. 从中加载数据时,一切都很好,但事实是我的4列(仅包含数字数据)仅作为元字符串加载。 I checked each cell of the columns to see if they contain any particular strings..but I couldn't find anything. 我检查了列的每个单元格,看它们是否包含任何特定的字符串..但是我什么都找不到。 Below are the columns that are not taken as numeric. 以下是不视为数字的列。 Any solutions ? 有什么解决办法吗?


Use Excel to re-save your data as comma-separated values file (CSV). 使用Excel将数据重新保存为逗号分隔值文件(CSV)。 Ensure that numeric fields use period instead of comma as decimals separator (eg your Inclination and Period columns) as some programs might have trouble with that. 确保数字字段使用句点而不是逗号作为小数点分隔符(例如,“ Inclation”和“ Period”列),因为某些程序可能会遇到麻烦。 Ensure there are no spaces in numeric values (your Launch mass column) and don't use thousands separators. 确保数值中没有空格(“ 发射质量”列),并且不要使用千位分隔符。

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