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[英]How can I access attribute of controller in directive from calling controller

I'm quite new to Angular, but am attempting to access an attribute called hour from a directive's controller inside another controller (the parent wrapping controller of the directive). 我是Angular的新手,但是我试图从另一个控制器(该指令的父包装控制器)内部的指令控制器访问名为hour的属性。

Here is how I setup the directive and its controller: 这是我设置指令及其控制器的方式:

(function () {

    angular.module("datePicker", [])
        .directive("datePicker", function () {

            return {
                restrict: "E",
                scope: {
                    ctrl: '=ctrl'
                templateUrl: "app/views/datepicker.html"
        .controller('datePickerController', function ($scope) {
            this.min = "";
            this.hour = "";
            this.minutes = [];
            this.hours = [];
            let i = 0;
            for (i; i < 60; i++) {
                let time = "";
                if (i <= 9) {
                    time = "0" + i;
                } else time = i;
                if (time <= 23) {

            $scope.somechange = function (v) {
                $scope.hour = v;
                $scope.$parent.printFrom = "It changed";

This is the implementation of the directive: 这是指令的实现:

<div ng-controller="datePickerController as ctrl">
        <md-select ng-change="somechange(ctrl.hour)" ng-model="ctrl.hour">
            <md-option ng-repeat="hour in ctrl.hours" ng-value="hour">
                {{ hour }}

And how it's being called from the 'parent': 以及如何从“父母”那里调用它:

    <date-picker ctrl="from"></date-picker> {{ from.today | date:'short' | split:' ':0}}, {{ $scope.hour }}

As you can see I am attempting to access the hour attribute from the datepicker's scope, but I'm unable to access it (or at least it's not updating). 如您所见,我试图从datepicker的范围访问小时属性,但是我无法访问它(或者至少它没有更新)。

I can see it fine in the alert that gets called in its ng-change event, but I can't seem to find it on the parent's scope... 我可以在其ng-change事件中调用的alert中很好地看到它,但是我似乎在父级的作用域中找不到它...

You have to add attribute hour on parent object. 您必须在父对象上添加属性小时。

Code for controller and directive: 控制器和指令的代码:

var app = angular.module('datepicker', []);

app.controller('ParentController', function($scope) {
  $scope.parent = {};

app.directive('datePicker', function () {
    return {
        restrict: 'E',
        scope: {
            parent: '='
        templateUrl: 'app/views/datepicker.html'
.controller('datePickerController', function ($scope) {
    this.min = '';
    this.hour = '';
    this.minutes = [];
    this.hours = [];
    let i = 0;
    for (i; i < 60; i++) {
        let time = '';
        if (i <= 9) {
            time = '0' + i;
        } else time = i;
        if (time <= 23) {

$scope.somechange = function (v) {
    $scope.parent.hour = v;
    $scope.$parent.printFrom = 'It changed';

Create directive as html element: 创建指令作为html元素:

<date-picker parent="parent"></date-picker>

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