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没有这样的文件或目录错误(Laravel / Homestead)

[英]No such file or directory error (Laravel/Homestead)

I use laravel on homestead. 我在宅基地上使用laravel。 I tried a lot of different commands in order to clear cache and other stuff and nothing helped. 我尝试了很多不同的命令,以清除缓存和其他东西,没有任何帮助。

I keep getting this error: 我一直收到这个错误:

file_put_contents(/Users/Victor/Sites/pft/pft-back/storage/framework/cache/data/05/9f/059f793d8b638b8c21ead7edbba382b9e9183fac): failed to open stream: No such file or directory What I've tried is: file_put_contents(/Users/Victor/Sites/pft/pft-back/storage/framework/cache/data/05/9f/059f793d8b638b8c21ead7edbba382b9e9183fac): failed to open stream: No such file or directory我尝试的是:

  1. Set 777 for storage folder 将777设置为存储文件夹
  2. php artisan cache:clear
  3. php artisan view:clear
  4. php artisan clear-compiled
  5. composer dump-autoload

No idea why it's happening but I'm pretty sure because of homestead since I've just recently started using it. 不知道为什么会这样,但我很确定,因为我刚刚开始使用它,因为宅基地。

Also I tried all commands both from homestead user and mac user (I'm running homestead on mac) 我也尝试了来自宅基地用户和mac用户的所有命令(我在mac上运行宅基地)

问题是底层存储映射,可以检查storage/frameworkstorage/framework/cachestorage/framework/cache/data是否具有r / w权限,否则创建它们?

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