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[英]Most efficient way to search for unknown patterns in a string?

I am trying to find patterns that: 我试图找到以下模式:

  • occur more than once 发生不止一次
  • are more than 1 character long 长度超过1个字符
  • are not substrings of any other known pattern 不是任何其他已知模式的子串

without knowing any of the patterns that might occur. 不知道可能发生的任何模式。

For example: 例如:

  • The string "the boy fell by the bell" would return 'ell', 'the b', 'y ' . 字符串“男孩倒在钟声上”将返回'ell', 'the b', 'y '
  • The string "the boy fell by the bell, the boy fell by the bell" would return 'the boy fell by the bell' . 字串“男孩倒在钟楼上,男孩倒在钟楼旁边”将返回'the boy fell by the bell'

Using double for-loops, it can be brute forced very inefficiently: 使用双for循环,它可以非常低效地强制使用:

ArrayList<String> patternsList = new ArrayList<>();
int length = string.length();
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
    int limit = (length - i) / 2;
    for (int j = limit; j >= 1; j--) {
        int candidateEndIndex = i + j;
        String candidate = string.substring(i, candidateEndIndex);

        if(candidate.length() <= 1) {

        if (string.substring(candidateEndIndex).contains(candidate)) {
            boolean notASubpattern = true;
            for (String pattern : patternsList) {
                if (pattern.contains(candidate)) {
                    notASubpattern = false;

            if (notASubpattern) {

However, this is incredibly slow when searching large strings with tons of patterns. 然而,当搜索大量模式的大字符串时,这是非常慢的。

You can build a suffix tree for your string in linear time: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suffix_tree 您可以在线性时间内为字符串构建后缀树: https//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suffix_tree

The patterns you are looking for are the strings corresponding to internal nodes that have only leaf children. 您要查找的模式是与仅具有叶子元素的内部节点对应的字符串。

You could use n-grams to find patterns in a string. 您可以使用n-gram来查找字符串中的模式。 It would take O(n) time to scan the string for n-grams. 扫描字符串n-gram需要O(n)时间。 When you find a substring by using a n-gram, put it into a hash table with a count of how many times that substring was found in the string. 当您使用n-gram找到子字符串时,将其放入哈希表中,并计算字符串中找到子字符串的次数。 When you're done searching for n-grams in the string, search the hash table for counts greater than 1 to find recurring patterns in the string. 当您在字符串中搜索n-gram时,在哈希表中搜索大于1的计数,以查找字符串中的重复模式。

For example, in the string "the boy fell by the bell, the boy fell by the bell" using a 6-gram will find the substring "the boy fell by the bell". 例如,在字符串“男孩摔倒钟,男孩摔倒钟”使用6克将发现子串“男孩摔倒了钟”。 A hash table entry with that substring will have a count of 2 because it occurred twice in the string. 具有该子字符串的哈希表条目的计数为2,因为它在字符串中出现了两次。 Varying the number of words in the n-gram will help you discover different patterns in the string. 改变n-gram中的单词数将帮助您发现字符串中的不同模式。

Dictionary<string, int>dict = new Dictionary<string, int>();
int count = 0;
int ngramcount = 6;
string substring = "";

// Add entries to the hash table
while (count < str.length) {
    // copy the words into the substring
    int i = 0;
    substring = "";
    while (ngramcount > 0 && count < str.length) {
        substring[i] = str[count];
        if (str[i] == ' ')
    ngramcount = 6;
    substring.Trim();  // get rid of the last blank in the substring
    // Update the dictionary (hash table) with the substring
    if (dict.Contains(substring)) {  // substring is already in hash table so increment the count
        int hashCount = dict[substring];
        dict[substring] = hashCount;
        dict[substring] = 1;

// Find the most commonly occurrring pattern in the string
// by searching the hash table for the greatest count.
int maxCount = 0;
string mostCommonPattern = "";
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, int> pair in dict) {
    if (pair.Value > maxCount) {
        maxCount = pair.Value;
        mostCommonPattern = pair.Key;

I've written this just for fun. 我写这篇文章只是为了好玩。 I hope I have understood the problem correctly, this is valid and fast enough; 我希望我能正确理解这个问题,这个问题有效而且足够快; if not, please be easy on me :) I might optimize it a little more I guess, if someone finds it useful. 如果没有,请对我很容易:)我可能会更优化它我想,如果有人发现它有用。

private static IEnumerable<string> getPatterns(string txt)
    char[] arr = txt.ToArray();
    BitArray ba = new BitArray(arr.Length);
    for (int shingle = getMaxShingleSize(arr); shingle >= 2; shingle--)
        char[] arr1 = new char[shingle];
        int[] indexes = new int[shingle];
        HashSet<int> hs = new HashSet<int>();
        Dictionary<int, int[]> dic = new Dictionary<int, int[]>();
        for (int i = 0, count = arr.Length - shingle; i <= count; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < shingle; j++)
                int index = i + j;
                arr1[j] = arr[index];
                indexes[j] = index;
            int h = getHashCode(arr1);
            if (hs.Add(h))
                int[] indexes1 = new int[indexes.Length];
                Buffer.BlockCopy(indexes, 0, indexes1, 0, indexes.Length * sizeof(int));
                dic.Add(h, indexes1);
                bool exists = false;
                foreach (int index in indexes)
                    if (ba.Get(index))
                        exists = true;
                if (!exists)
                    int[] indexes1 = dic[h];
                    if (indexes1 != null)
                        foreach (int index in indexes1)
                            if (ba.Get(index))
                                exists = true;
                if (!exists)
                    foreach (int index in indexes)
                        ba.Set(index, true);
                    int[] indexes1 = dic[h];
                    if (indexes1 != null)
                        foreach (int index in indexes1)
                            ba.Set(index, true);
                    dic[h] = null;
                    yield return new string(arr1);
private static int getMaxShingleSize(char[] arr)
    for (int shingle = 2; shingle <= arr.Length / 2 + 1; shingle++)
        char[] arr1 = new char[shingle];
        HashSet<int> hs = new HashSet<int>();
        bool noPattern = true;
        for (int i = 0, count = arr.Length - shingle; i <= count; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < shingle; j++)
                arr1[j] = arr[i + j];
            int h = getHashCode(arr1);
            if (!hs.Add(h))
                noPattern = false;
        if (noPattern)
            return shingle - 1;
    return -1;
private static int getHashCode(char[] arr)
        int hash = (int)2166136261;
        foreach (char c in arr)
            hash = (hash * 16777619) ^ c.GetHashCode();
        return hash;

Edit 编辑
My previous code has serious problems. 我之前的代码存在严重问题。 This one is better: 这个更好:

private static IEnumerable<string> getPatterns(string txt)
    Dictionary<int, int> dicIndexSize = new Dictionary<int, int>();
    for (int shingle = 2, count0 = txt.Length / 2 + 1; shingle <= count0; shingle++)
        Dictionary<string, int> dic = new Dictionary<string, int>();
        bool patternExists = false;
        for (int i = 0, count = txt.Length - shingle; i <= count; i++)
            string sub = txt.Substring(i, shingle);
            if (!dic.ContainsKey(sub))
                dic.Add(sub, i);
                patternExists = true;
                int index0 = dic[sub];
                if (index0 >= 0)
                    dicIndexSize[index0] = shingle;
                    dic[sub] = -1;
        if (!patternExists)
    List<int> lst = dicIndexSize.Keys.ToList();
    lst.Sort((a, b) => dicIndexSize[b].CompareTo(dicIndexSize[a]));
    BitArray ba = new BitArray(txt.Length);
    foreach (int i in lst)
        bool ok = true;
        int len = dicIndexSize[i];
        for (int j = i, max = i + len; j < max; j++)
            if (ok) ok = !ba.Get(j);
            ba.Set(j, true);
        if (ok)
            yield return txt.Substring(i, len);

Text in this book took 3.4sec in my computer. 本书中的文字在我的电脑中耗时3.4秒。

Suffix arrays are the right idea, but there's a non-trivial piece missing, namely, identifying what are known in the literature as "supermaximal repeats". 后缀数组是正确的想法,但是缺少一个非平凡的部分,即识别文献中称为“超最大重复”的内容。 Here's a GitHub repo with working code: https://github.com/eisenstatdavid/commonsub . 这是一个带有工作代码的GitHub仓库: https//github.com/eisenstatdavid/commonsub Suffix array construction uses the SAIS library, vendored in as a submodule. 后缀数组构造使用SAIS库,作为子模块出售。 The supermaximal repeats are found using a corrected version of the pseudocode from findsmaxr in Efficient repeat finding via suffix arrays (Becher–Deymonnaz–Heiber) . 使用来自findsmaxr的伪代码的校正版本通过后缀阵列(Becher-Deymonnaz-Heiber)进行有效重复发现,发现 findsmaxr 重复

static void FindRepeatedStrings(void) {
  // findsmaxr from https://arxiv.org/pdf/1304.0528.pdf
  bool needComma = false;
  int up = -1;
  for (int i = 1; i < Len; i++) {
    if (LongCommPre[i - 1] < LongCommPre[i]) {
      up = i;
    if (LongCommPre[i - 1] == LongCommPre[i] || up < 0) continue;
    for (int k = up - 1; k < i; k++) {
      if (SufArr[k] == 0) continue;
      unsigned char c = Buf[SufArr[k] - 1];
      if (Set[c] == i) goto skip;
      Set[c] = i;
    if (needComma) {
    for (int j = 0; j < LongCommPre[up]; j++) {
      unsigned char c = Buf[SufArr[up] + j];
      if (iscntrl(c)) {
        printf("\\u%.4x", c);
      } else if (c == '\"' || c == '\\') {
        printf("\\%c", c);
      } else {
        printf("%c", c);
    needComma = true;
    up = -1;

Here's a sample output on the text of the first paragraph: 这是第一段文本的示例输出:

Davids-MBP:commonsub eisen$ ./repsub input
," S"
," as "
," co"
," ide"
," in "
," li"
," n"
," p"
," the "
," us"
," ve"
," w"
,". "
,"Suffix array"
,"a su"
,"at "
,"e f"
,"ed "
,"ere's a "
,"ing "
,"ion "
,"s are "
,"supermaximal repeats"
,"ub "
,"uffix arrays"
,"y, "

I would use Knuth–Morris–Pratt algorithm (linear time complexity O(n) ) to find substrings. 我会使用Knuth-Morris-Pratt算法 (线性时间复杂度O(n) )来查找子串。 I would try to find the largest substring pattern, remove it from the input string and try to find the second largest and so on. 我会尝试找到最大的子串模式,从输入字符串中删除它,并尝试找到第二大的,依此类推。 I would do something like this: 我会做这样的事情:

string pattern = input.substring(0,lenght/2);
string toMatchString = input.substring(pattern.length, input.lenght - 1);

List<string> matches = new List<string>();

while(pattern.lenght > 0)
    int index = KMP(pattern, toMatchString);
    if(index > 0)

        // remove the matched pattern occurences from the input string
        // I would do something like this:
        // 0 to pattern.lenght gets removed
        // check for all occurences of pattern in toMatchString and remove them
        // get the remaing shrinked input, reassign values for pattern & toMatchString
        // keep looking for the next largest substring
        pattern = input.substring(0, pattern.lenght - 1);
        toMatchString = input.substring(pattern.length, input.lenght - 1);

Where KMP implements Knuth–Morris–Pratt algorithm. KMP实施Knuth-Morris-Pratt算法。 You can find the Java implementations of it at Github or Princeton or write it yourself. 您可以在GithubPrinceton找到它的Java实现,也可以自己编写。

PS: I don't code in Java and it is quick try to my first bounty about to close soon. PS:我没有用Java编写代码,我很快就尝试了即将结束的第一笔赏金。 So please don't give me the stick if I missed something trivial or made a +/-1 error. 所以如果我错过了一些微不足道的事情或者发生了+/- 1错误,请不要给我一根棍子。

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