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[英]Angular callback issue for objects

I have 2 API calls which provide 2 JSON Arrays. 我有2个API调用,它们提供2个JSON数组。 The controller is written as :- 控制器写为:

function RDetailController($routeParams, Rep) {
    var self = this;
    self.Name = $routeParams.Name;

    Rep.envGetSingle(self.Name).then(function (response) {
      // console.log(response.data.length);
      self.Details = response.data;


    Rep.repGetByCurDate(self.Name).then(function(response) {
      // console.log(response.data.length);
      self.report = response.data;

The template file uses the following Details as follows:- 模板文件使用以下详细信息,如下所示:

<div class="container">
<tr ng-repeat="a in $ctrl.Details">
  <th><h4>UI Url: <a>{{a.url}}</a></h4></th>
  <th><h4>Host IP: {{a.IP}}</h3></th>
  <th><h4>Release: {{a.mode}}</h3></th>
<table class="table table-bordered table-hover data-filter-control="true" " >
      <th>Screen ID</th>
      <th>Mast ID</th>
      <th data-filter-control="select">Result</th>
    <tr ng-repeat="result in $ctrl.report">
      <th><a href="#!/reports/{{result._id}}">{{result.MastID}}</a></th>
      <th><span ng-class="{
          'color-red': result.result === 'Failed',
          'color-green': result.result === 'Passed'}">{{result.result}}

The Factory Rep is defined as :- 工厂代表定义为:-

factory('Rep', ['$http',
function($http) {
  return {
    repGetByCurDate : repGetByCurDate
    envGetSingle: envGetSingle

  function envGetSingle(envName) {
    return $http.get('/api/envs/currDate/' + envName + '/envDetails').then(complete).catch(failed);

  function repGetByCurDate(envName) {
    return $http.get('/api/envs/currDate/' + envName).then(complete).catch(failed);

  function complete(response) {
    return response;

  function failed(error) {

]) ])

The factory returns the appropriate data. 工厂将返回适当的数据。 The problem happens when I try to access self.Details in the angular template file. 当我尝试访问角度模板文件中的self.Details时,会发生问题。 The self.report has values but self.Details is empty. self.report有值,但self.Details为空。 How can I persist object in self.Details as well? 我也该如何在self.Details中保留对象?

Turns out the Details variable is a single element in an array. 原来Details变量是数组中的单个元素。 So to access it we use a[0].url instead of a in the template file. 因此,要访问它,我们使用[0] .url而不是模板文件中的a。 This resolved the issue. 这解决了问题。

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