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[英]How to combine another Laravel validation rule with 'required_without_all'

I am working with Laravel 5.3. 我正在使用Laravel 5.3。

I am trying to implement the 'required_without_all' validation rule. 我正在尝试实施'required_without_all'验证规则。 I have it working as expected, however I want to add an additional rule (ie a minimum value rule). 我可以按预期工作,但是我想添加一条附加规则(即最小值规则)。 But I want this additional validation rule to run only if there is a value present in the field. 但我希望在字段中存在值时才运行此附加验证规则。

So to summarise, I have several fields and want the following validation: 综上所述,我有几个字段,并希望进行以下验证:

  • At least one field out of them should be filled in (achieved this using the 'required_without_rule'). 至少应填写其中的一个字段(使用'required_without_rule'完成此操作)。
  • For fields that are filled in, I want a minimum value rule. 对于填写的字段,我想要一个最小值规则。

How can I achieve this? 我该如何实现?

First validation rule: required_without_all:foo,bar,... 第一条验证规则: required_without_all:foo,bar,...

The field under validation must be present and not empty only when all of the other specified fields are not present. 仅当所有其他指定字段都不存在时,验证中的字段必须存在且不为空。

Second validation rule: sometimes 第二条验证规则: sometimes

In some situations, you may wish to run validation checks against a field only if that field is present in the input array. 在某些情况下,仅当输入数组中存在该字段时,您才可能希望对该字段运行验证检查。 To quickly accomplish this, add the sometimes rule to your rule list 要快速完成此操作,请将有时会的规则添加到您的规则列表中

Third validation rule: min:value 第三条验证规则: min:value

The field under validation must have a minimum value. 验证中的字段必须具有最小值。 Strings, numerics, and files are evaluated in the same fashion as the size rule. 字符串,数字和文件的计算方式与大小规则相同。

So the validation rules for your fields should look like: 因此,您的字段的验证规则应如下所示:

'my_field' => 'required_without_all:field,another_field | sometimes | min:40'

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