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[英]How can I extract words before some string?

I have several strings like this: 我有几个这样的字符串:

mylist = ['pearsapple','grapevinesapple','sinkandapple'...]

I want to parse the parts before apple and then append to a new list: 我想在苹果之前解析这些部分,然后追加到新列表中:

new = ['pears','grapevines','sinkand']

Is there a way other than finding starting points of 'apple' in each string and then appending before the starting point? 除了在每个字符串中找到“苹果”的起点,然后在起点之前追加之外,还有其他方法吗?

By using slicing in combination with the index method of strings. 通过结合使用切片和字符串的index方法。

>>> [x[:x.index('apple')] for x in mylist]
['pears', 'grapevines', 'sinkand']

You could also use a regular expression 您也可以使用正则表达式

>>> import re
>>> [re.match('(.*?)apple', x).group(1) for x in mylist]
['pears', 'grapevines', 'sinkand']

I don't see why though. 我不明白为什么。


second_list = [item[:-5] for item in mylist]

If some elements in the list don't contain 'apple' at the end of the string, this regex leaves the string untouched: 如果列表中的某些元素在字符串的末尾不包含'apple' ,则此正则表达式将使字符串保持不变:

>>> import re
>>> mylist = ['pearsapple','grapevinesapple','sinkandapple', 'test', 'grappled']
>>> [re.sub('apple$', '', word) for word in mylist]
['pears', 'grapevines', 'sinkand', 'test', 'grappled']

By also using string split and list comprehension 通过还使用字符串拆分和列表理解

new = [x.split('apple')[0] for x in mylist]
['pears', 'grapevines', 'sinkand']

One way to do it would be to iterate through every string in the list and then use the split() string function. 一种方法是遍历列表中的每个字符串,然后使用split()字符串函数。

for word in mylist:
    word = word.split("apple")[0]

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