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[英]Copy file from UWP resources to local folder

I'm trying to copy a file from the UWP resources into the user's local folder. 我正在尝试将文件从UWP资源复制到用户的本地文件夹中。

The closest I could get was this: 我能得到的最接近的是:

public static void CopyDatabaseIfNotExists(string dbPath)
        var storageFile = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication();

        if (storageFile.FileExists(dbPath))

        using (var resourceStream = Application.GetResourceStream(new Uri("preinstalledDB.db", UriKind.Relative)).Stream)
            using (var fileStream = storageFile.CreateFile(dbPath))
                byte[] readBuffer = new byte[4096];
                int bytes = -1;

                while ((bytes = resourceStream.Read(readBuffer, 0, readBuffer.Length)) > 0)
                    fileStream.Write(readBuffer, 0, bytes);

But this doesn't seem to work anymore with UWP. 但这似乎不适用于UWP。 GetResourceStream isn't available anymore ("Application doesn't contain a definition for 'GetResourceStream'"). GetResourceStream不再可用(“应用程序不包含'GetResourceStream'的定义”)。

Could somebody please tell me how do this with UWP? 有人可以告诉我如何使用UWP吗?

Thank you very much! 非常感谢你!

You can do it a bit simpler, just replace ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder with your desired folder. 您可以将其简化一些,只需将ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder替换为所需的文件夹即可。

    await ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder.GetFileAsync("preinstalledDB.db");
    // No exception means it exists
catch (System.IO.FileNotFoundException)
// The file obviously doesn't exist

// Cant await inside catch, but this works anyway
var storfile = await StorageFile.GetFileFromApplicationUriAsync(new Uri("ms-appx:///preinstalledDB.db"));
await storfile.CopyAsync(ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder);

The try block may seem strange but it is actually the fastest way to determine if a file exists. try块可能看起来很奇怪,但这实际上是确定文件是否存在的最快方法。

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