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[英]Matrix copying causes segmentation fault

I must write a function in C that takes in a matrix (src) and 2 integer values(x,y), then gives out a matrix which contains src x by y times. 我必须用C编写一个函数,该函数接受一个矩阵(src)和2个整数值(x,y),然后给出一个包含src x乘以y倍的矩阵。 For example 例如

3 5
2 1

with (2,3) is going to be 与(2,3)将会是

3 5 3 5    
2 1 2 1    
3 5 3 5    
2 1 2 1    
3 5 3 5    
2 1 2 1

I am given the structure 我得到的结构

struct Mat {
  int cols; // number of columns
  int rows; // number of rows
  int** row_ptrs; // pointer to rows (the actual matrix)
} Mat;

and wrote this function: 并写了这个函数:

#include "exercise_1.h"
#include <stdlib.h>

Mat* matrixRepeat(Mat* src, int num_row_blocks, int num_col_blocks) 
  Mat *newMat = malloc(sizeof(Mat));
  newMat->rows = src->rows * num_row_blocks;
  newMat->cols = src->cols * num_col_blocks;

  newMat->row_ptrs = calloc(newMat->rows, sizeof(int*));

  for(int i = 0; i < newMat->cols; i++)
    newMat->row_ptrs[i] = calloc(newMat->cols, sizeof(int));

  for(int i = 0; i < newMat->rows; i++)
    for(int j = 0; j< newMat->cols; j++)
      newMat->row_ptrs[i][j] = src->row_ptrs[i%src->rows][j%src->cols];

  return newMat;

Then I am given some test programs: half of them works just fine, the other tough gives me segfault. 然后给我一些测试程序:其中一半工作正常,另一项艰难使我断断续续。 I know for sure that the tests are correct, so there must be a problem in my program. 我肯定知道测试是正确的,所以程序中肯定有问题。 Can you help me find it? 你能帮我找到它吗?

The condition in the loop 循环中的条件

  for(int i = 0; i < newMat->cols; i++)
    newMat->row_ptrs[i] = calloc(newMat->cols, sizeof(int));

is wrong. 是错的。 There must be 必须有

  for(int i = 0; i < newMat->rows; i++)
    newMat->row_ptrs[i] = calloc(newMat->cols, sizeof(int));

Note: I think you mean 注意:我认为你的意思是

typedef struct Mat {
  int cols; // number of columns
  int rows; // number of rows
  int** row_ptrs; // pointer to rows (the actual matrix)
} Mat;

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