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Excel VBA ComboBox错误

[英]Excel VBA ComboBox error

I am trying to fill a comboxbox located in sheet "AAA" with data in Sheet "BBB" 我正在尝试使用工作表“ BBB”中的数据填充工作表“ AAA”中的组合框

x = Application.WorksheetFunction.Max(Sheets("BBB").Range("m2:m200")) + 1
With Selection
    .ListFillRange = "='BBB'!n2:n" & x
End With

I am getting the error 我收到错误

"Requested Shapes are locked for selection". “锁定所需的形状以供选择”。

I have tried different approaches, but cannot get it to work. 我尝试了不同的方法,但无法使其正常工作。 This used to be a dropbox, but I was asked to change it to a combo. 这曾经是一个保管箱,但我被要求将其更改为组合。

Thanks in advance 提前致谢

Try the code below to populate your Active-X Combo-Box . 尝试使用下面的代码填充Active-X Combo-Box

There's no need to use Select to populate the Combo-Box , it only slows down your code's run-time. 无需使用Select来填充Combo-Box ,它只会减慢代码的运行时间。


Option Explicit

Sub FillCombo()

Dim x           As Long
Dim ComboRng    As Range

x = Application.WorksheetFunction.Max(Sheets("BBB").Range("M2:M200")) + 1
Set ComboRng = Sheets("BBB").Range("N2:N" & x) '<-- set the Range

With Sheets("AAA").OLEObjects("Drop_Leg").Object
    .Clear ' clear before adding new values
    .List = ComboRng.Value ' populate the list with values from Column N
End With

End Sub

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