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[英]Combinatorics in Erlang

I want to find combinatorics of integer in Erlang, equivalent of this Haskell code: 我想在Erlang中找到整数的组合,它等效于此Haskell代码:

composition 0 = [[]]
composition n = [x:rest | x <- [1..n], rest <- composition (n-x)]

so far I tried this which It doesn't work: 到目前为止,我已经尝试了这不起作用:

comb([]) -> []; 
comb(N) ->
        [[X|R] || X <- lists:seq(1,N),R=comb(N-X)].

The code return This error: 代码返回此错误:

43> combinatorics:comb(2).
     ** exception error: no case clause matching []
             in function  combinatorics:'-comb/1-lc$^0/1-0-'/2 (combinatorics.erl, line 5)
             in call from combinatorics:'-comb/1-lc$^0/1-0-'/2 (combinatorics.erl, line 5)

You have multiple errors in the translation: 您在翻译中存在多个错误:

  1. The first clause should be comb(0) -> [[]]; 第一个子句应为comb(0) -> [[]];

  2. You've done R = comb(...) instead of R <- comb(...) in the list comprehension. 您已经完成了R = comb(...)而不是列表理解中的R <- comb(...)

With these changes, the code works: 通过这些更改,代码可以工作:

comb(0) -> [[]];
comb(N) ->
    [[X|R] || X <- lists:seq(1,N), R <- comb(N-X)].
1> c(combinatorics).
2> combinatorics:comb(1).
3> combinatorics:comb(2).
4> combinatorics:comb(3).
5> combinatorics:comb(4).

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