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删除在 python3 中使用 venv 创建的虚拟环境

[英]remove virtual environment created with venv in python3

How can I delete a virtual environement created with如何删除使用创建的虚拟环境

python3 -m venv <name>

Can I just remove the directory?我可以删除目录吗?

This seems like a question googling should easily answer, but I only found answers for deleting environments created with virtualenv or pyvenv .这似乎是一个谷歌搜索应该很容易回答的问题,但我只找到了删除使用virtualenvpyvenv创建的环境的答案。

Yes, delete the directory.是的,删除目录。 it's where executables for the venv and modules and libraries and entire other stuff for venvs is kept.它是 venv 和模块和库的可执行文件以及 venvs 的所有其他内容的保存位置。

You should deactivate your environment first.您应该先停用您的环境。 Not sure if not deactivating will cause any problem, but that's the right way to do it.不确定不停用是否会导致任何问题,但这是正确的做法。 Once you deactivate, you can simply delete the virtual environment directory.停用后,您只需删除虚拟环境目录即可。

To deactivate, simple execute the 'deactivate' bash command anywhere inside your virtual environment tree.要停用,只需在虚拟环境树中的任何位置执行“停用”bash 命令。

In your venv project folder created using python3 -m venv .在使用python3 -m venv .创建的 venv 项目文件夹中python3 -m venv . or whatever, run this to remove the venv files:或者其他什么,运行它来删除 venv 文件:

rm -r bin include lib lib64 pyvenv.cfg share

If you're still in the venv by using source bin/activate , run deactivate first.如果您使用source bin/activate仍然在 venv 中,请先运行deactivate

However, according to this page , one should always use python3 -m venv venv so the venv files are neatly contained in a single venv folder in your project root.但是,根据此页面,应该始终使用python3 -m venv venv以便 venv 文件整齐地包含在项目根目录的单个venv文件夹中。 That way the Visual Studio Code Python extension can find/use it as well.这样 Visual Studio Code Python 扩展也可以找到/使用它。

To delete a environment in WINDOWS.在 WINDOWS 中删除环境。 Make sure you are in activated environment:确保您处于激活的环境中:

$ deactivate

This will deactivate your current environment.这将停用您当前的环境。 Now you can go to the directory where your folder or folder is present.现在您可以转到您的文件夹或文件夹所在的目录。 Delete it manually.手动删除。 DONE!完毕!

To create a new environment , Simply from bash:要创建一个新环境,只需从 bash:

$ python3 -m venv venv

To activate it:要激活它:

$ source venv/bin/activate

There is no built-in way to remove a virtualenv created with python3 -m venv <name> .没有内置方法可以删除使用python3 -m venv <name>创建的 virtualenv。 If you created a python3.6 virtualenv in, for instance, /usr/local then you can remove it with an Ansible playbook like:例如,如果您在/usr/local中创建了一个 python3.6 virtualenv,那么您可以使用 Ansible 剧本将其删除,例如:

- name: Remove virtualenv
  hosts: all

    venv: /usr/local

      - pyvenv.cfg
      - bin/activate
      - bin/activate.csh
      - bin/activate.fish
      - bin/easy_install
      - bin/easy_install-3.6
      - bin/pip
      - bin/pip3
      - bin/pip3.6
      - bin/python
      - bin/python3
      - bin/python3.6
      - bin/wheel
      - lib/python3.6/site-packages


  - name: Freeze virtualenv
    shell: |
      set -e
      source "{{ venv }}/bin/activate"
      pip3 freeze > /tmp/frozen
      creates: /tmp/frozen
    register: frozen
    failed_when: false

  - name: Remove site-packages from virtualenv
    when: frozen.rc == '0'
    become: true
    shell: |
      set -e
      source {{ venv }}/bin/activate
      pip3 uninstall -y -r /tmp/frozen

  - name: Remove virtualenv_files
    become: true
      path: "{{ venv }}/{{ item }}"
      state: absent
    loop: "{{ virtualenv_files }}"

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