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IIS 管理器在尝试列出应用程序池或站点时冻结

[英]IIS Manager Freezes when trying to list App Pools or Sites

I have just updated the password against an application pool identity for my user in IIS to bring it up to date, as per:我刚刚针对 IIS 中的用户的应用程序池标识更新了密码,以使其保持最新状态,如下所示:

HTTP Error 503, the service is unavailable Http错误503服务不可用

However now when I run IIS Manager it freezes when I try to list the application pools, list the sites, or do a restart.但是,现在当我运行 IIS 管理器时,当我尝试列出应用程序池、列出站点或重新启动时,它会冻结。 This means I can't go back and double check I entered the correct password against the application pool.这意味着我无法返回并仔细检查是否针对应用程序池输入了正确的密码。

The windows event logs show no errors or warnings. Windows 事件日志未显示任何错误或警告。 I have also tried restarting the PC but this does not help.我也试过重新启动电脑,但这无济于事。

Has anyone encountered this before or have any idea what may be causing it?有没有人以前遇到过这个问题,或者知道是什么原因造成的?

I am running Windows 10 and IIS version 10.0.10586.0我正在运行 Windows 10 和 IIS 版本 10.0.10586.0

I fixed this by reinstalling IIS: 我通过重新安装IIS修复此问题:

  • Go to Windows Features, and Uncheck Internet Information Services (making sure you take a note of the sub-features you have switched on) 转到Windows功能,取消选中Internet信息服务(确保记下已打开的子功能)
  • Restart PC 重启电脑
  • Go to Windows Features, and Check Internet Information Services (making sure you also include the relevant sub-features you previously had switched on before) 转到Windows功能,并检查Internet信息服务(确保您还包括之前已打开的相关子功能)

After this it worked fine again. 在此之后它再次正常工作。

I fixed this on Windows 10 with IIS 10.0.19041.1288 without reinstalling as follows:我在带有 IIS 10.0.19041.1288 的 Windows 10 上修复了这个问题,而无需重新安装,如下所示:

  • First, I noticed that IIS Manager won't let me terminate/restart the web server, either (ends with a timeout).首先,我注意到 IIS 管理器也不会让我终止/重新启动 Web 服务器(以超时结束)。
  • Then, I checked my Services in Task Manager, where the WWW Publishing Service (W3SVC) was hanging in "Being terminated" state.然后,我在任务管理器中检查了我的服务,其中 WWW 发布服务 (W3SVC) 处于“正在终止”状态。
  • Then, I went to the Services section in my Control Panel to find the executable behind the service - it's svchost , with command line C:\\Windows\\system32\\svchost.exe -k iissvcs .然后,我转到“控制面板”中的“服务”部分以查找服务背后的可执行文件 - 它是svchost ,命令行为C:\\Windows\\system32\\svchost.exe -k iissvcs

Thus, I could go back to Task Manager to kill the process with that command line.因此,我可以返回任务管理器以使用该命令行终止进程。 You may have to add the command line column on the Details tab if it is not shown yet.如果尚未显示,您可能需要在“详细信息”选项卡上添加命令行列。

After terminating that services, IIS Manager would behave normally again, start/restart the server without any problematic delay, and display the list of application pools.终止该服务后,IIS 管理器将再次正常运行,启动/重新启动服务器而不会出现任何延迟问题,并显示应用程序池列表。

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