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std::timed_mutex::try_lock_for 立即失败

[英]std::timed_mutex::try_lock_for fails immediately

I'm using a std::timed_mutex for the first time and it's not behaving the way I expect.我第一次使用std::timed_mutex ,它的行为方式与我预期的不同。 It appears to fail immediately instead of waiting for the mutex.它似乎立即失败,而不是等待互斥锁。 I'm providing the lock timeout in milliseconds (as shown here http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/mutex/timed_mutex/try_lock_for/ ).我以毫秒为单位提供锁定超时(如此处所示http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/mutex/timed_mutex/try_lock_for/ )。 But the call to try_lock_for() fails right away.但是对try_lock_for()的调用立即失败。

Here's the class that handles locking and unlocking the mutex:这是处理锁定和解锁互斥量的 class:

  const unsigned int DEFAULT_MUTEX_WAIT_TIME_MS = 5 * 60 * 1000;

  class ScopedTimedMutexLock
     ScopedTimedMutexLock(std::timed_mutex* sourceMutex, unsigned int numWaitMilliseconds=DEFAULT_MUTEX_WAIT_TIME_MS)
        if( !m_mutex->try_lock_for( std::chrono::milliseconds(numWaitMilliseconds) ) )
           std::string message = "Timeout attempting to acquire mutex lock for ";
           message += Conversion::toString(numWaitMilliseconds);
           message += "ms";
           throw MutexException(message);
     std::timed_mutex* m_mutex;

And this is where it's being used:这就是它被使用的地方:

  void  CommandService::Process( RequestType& request )
     unsigned long callTime =
        std::chrono::duration_cast< std::chrono::milliseconds >(

        ScopedTimedMutexLock lock( m_classMutex, request.getLockWaitTimeMs(DEFAULT_MUTEX_WAIT_TIME_MS) );
        // ... command processing code goes here
     catch( MutexException& mutexException )
        unsigned long catchTime =
           std::chrono::duration_cast< std::chrono::milliseconds >(
        cout << "The following error occured while attempting to process command"
             << "\n   call  time: " << callTime
             << "\n   catch time: " << catchTime;
        cout << mutexException.description();

Here's the console output:这是控制台 output:

The following error occured while attempting to process command
   call  time: 1131268914
   catch time: 1131268914
Timeout attempting to acquire mutex lock for 300000ms

Any idea where this is going wrong?知道哪里出了问题吗? Is the conversion to std::chrono::milliseconds correct?转换为std::chrono::milliseconds是否正确? How do I make try_lock_for() wait for the lock?如何让try_lock_for()等待锁?

ADDITIONAL INFO: The call to try_lock_for() didn't always fail immediately.附加信息:try_lock_for()的调用并不总是立即失败。 Many times the call acquired the lock and everything worked as expected.多次调用获得了锁,一切都按预期进行。 The failures I was seeing were intermittent.我看到的失败是断断续续的。 See my answer below for details about why this was failing.有关失败原因的详细信息,请参阅下面的答案。

Just a little bump-up for those who come late.只是给迟到的人一点点奖励。 And many thanks for help!非常感谢您的帮助!

Got quite same behavior (only in std::shared_timed_mutex).得到完全相同的行为(仅在 std::shared_timed_mutex 中)。 After some digging found out that both try_lock_for() and try_lock_until() fail immediately if same thread already has exclusive lock on mutex, basically saving time on testing broken code.经过一番挖掘后发现,如果同一个线程已经对互斥锁进行了独占锁定,那么try_lock_for()try_lock_until()都会立即失败,基本上可以节省测试损坏代码的时间。

Tested with gcc-9, gcc-10, clang-10 and clang-12.已使用 gcc-9、gcc-10、clang-10 和 clang-12 进行测试。

Did NOT tested other possible combinations like requesting exclusive lock over shared lock or requesting shared lock over any of exclusive/shared locks.没有测试其他可能的组合,例如请求排他锁而不是共享锁或请求共享锁而不是任何排他/共享锁。

The root cause of the problem is mentioned in the description for try_lock_for() at http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/thread/timed_mutex/try_lock_for . http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/thread/timed_mutex/try_lock_for的 try_lock_for()描述中提到了问题的根本原因。 Near the end of the description it says: 在说明的末尾说:

As with try_lock(), this function is allowed to fail spuriously and return false even if the mutex was not locked by any other thread at some point during timeout_duration. 与try_lock()一样,即使在timeout_duration期间的某个时间点,互斥锁没有被任何其他线程锁定,也允许该函数错误地失败并返回false。

I naively assumed there were only two possible outcomes: (1) the function acquires the lock within the time period, or (2) the function fails after the wait time has elapsed. 我天真地假设只有两种可能的结果:(1)该函数在该时间段内获取了锁定,或者(2)该函数在等待时间过去之后失败了。 But there is another possibility, (3) the function fails after a relatively short time for no specified reason. 但是还有另一种可能性,(3)该功能在较短时间内无缘无故失败。 TL;DR, my bad. TL; DR,我不好。

I solved the problem by rewriting the ScopedTimedMutexLock constructor to loop on try_lock() until the lock is acquired or the wait time limit is exceeded. 我通过重写ScopedTimedMutexLock构造函数以在try_lock()上循环直到获得锁或超过了等待时间限制来解决了这个问题。

 ScopedTimedMutexLock(std::timed_mutex* sourceMutex, unsigned int numWaitMilliseconds=DEFAULT_MUTEX_WAIT_TIME_MS)
    const unsigned SLEEP_TIME_MS = 5;
    bool isLocked = false;
    unsigned long startMS = now();
    while( now() - startMS < numWaitMilliseconds && !isLocked )
       isLocked = m_sourceMutex->try_lock();
       if( !isLocked )
    if( !isLocked )
       std::string message = "Timeout attempting to acquire mutex lock for ";
       message += Conversion::toString(numWaitMilliseconds);
       message += "ms";
       throw MutexException(message);

Where now() is defined like this: now()的定义如下:

     unsigned long now() {
        return std::chrono::duration_cast< std::chrono::milliseconds >(
            std::chrono::system_clock::now().time_since_epoch() ).count();

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