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Jade / Pug中更清晰的混合物

[英]Clearer mixins in Jade/Pug

I am looking for ways to display the arguments of a mixin explicitly in Jade/Pug. 我正在寻找在Jade / Pug中显式显示mixin参数的方法。

Here is some pseudo code to illustrate what I mean: 这是一些伪代码来说明我的意思:

// Current situation
+c-button('Button label', 'overstated', 'large')

// Here we can see what the mixin expects
+c-button(btnLabel: 'Button label', btnType: 'overstated', btnSize: 'large')

This way the mixin exposes the "API". 这样mixin暴露了“API”。 This makes for copy/pastable/modifiable code for people who don't understand every inner mechanic of the code. 这使得复制/可管理/可修改的代码适用于不了解代码的每个内部机制的人。

(I found out this is actually implementd in tales of pug, a PHP implementation of pug --> https://sandbox.pug.talesoft.codes/?example=named-mixin-parameters ) (我发现这实际上是在哈巴狗的故事中实现的,pug的PHP实现 - > https://sandbox.pug.talesoft.codes/?example=named-mixin-parameters

What I am after is legible mixins. 我所追求的是清晰的混合物。 I don't care how it is implemented as long as the end result is easy to use. 只要最终结果易于使用,我不关心它是如何实现的。

Another idea is to add a single options object to a mixin. 另一个想法是向mixin添加单个选项对象。

Now, this code that I made up does not work at all. 现在,我编写的这段代码根本不起作用。 Looking for a Javascript expert to shed some light here :) 寻找一个Javascript专家在这里阐明:)

mixin c-button({options})
    - { 
           option1: true
    a.c-button(href="#") #{btnLabel}

// Code does not actually work because mixins can't take objects?
+c-button({ option1: false })

You can use an options object to simulate named arguments. 您可以使用options对象来模拟命名参数。 You can also use Object.assign() to merge the options with a predefined options object to simulate option defaults: 您还可以使用Object.assign()将选项与预定义的选项对象合并,以模拟选项默认值:

mixin button (options)
  - var DEFAULT_OPTIONS = { type: 'button', variant: 'default' };
  - options = Object.assign({}, DEFAULT_OPTIONS, options || {});
  button(class='btn--' + options.variant, type=options.type)= options.label

+button({ label: 'foo' })

See a working example at https://codepen.io/thomastuts/pen/JNVWYX . 请参阅https://codepen.io/thomastuts/pen/JNVWYX上的工作示例。

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