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[英]Microsoft Cognitive Services: Bing Speech Recognition XAML

I am trying to develop a humble AI to help the daily routines of my family. 我正在尝试开发一种不起眼的AI,以帮助我的家庭日常工作。 Voice recognition is a must, and commands can not be limited to a command library. 语音识别是必须的,命令不能仅限于命令库。

  • so command library mode is out of the table 所以命令库模式不在表中
  • I tried dictation mode, which already has a terrible recognition with headset, wont be able to understand anything with a room mic. 我尝试了听写模式,该模式已经对耳机具有很强的识别能力,无法用室内麦克风理解任何内容。
  • So I am trying to use Microsoft Cognitive Services: Bing Speech Recognition: I downloaded the documents and the example, I see everything is in XAML form. 因此,我尝试使用Microsoft认知服务:Bing语音识别:我下载了文档和示例,我看到所有内容都是XAML形式。 I don't understand why. 我不明白为什么。 I am asking some guidance from those who are experienced in this, is it possible to make it in console app or windows form? 我正在向有经验的人寻求一些指导,是否可以通过控制台应用程序或Windows形式制作它? (I am using .Net 4.6). (我正在使用.Net 4.6)。 If not do you have any suggestion for me to solve my problem? 如果没有,您对我有解决我的建议吗? Thank you for your time and patience. 感谢您的时间和耐心等待。

You can use NuGets to achieve the same. 您可以使用NuGets实现相同的目的。 Find sample over here https://github.com/Azure-Samples/Cognitive-Speech-STT-Windows 在此处查找示例https://github.com/Azure-Samples/Cognitive-Speech-STT-Windows

Further details about BingSpeechSDK -> https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/cognitive-services/Speech/GetStarted/GetStartedCSharpDesktop 有关BingSpeechSDK的更多详细信息-> https://docs.microsoft.com/zh-cn/azure/cognitive-services/Speech/GetStarted/GetStartedCSharpDesktop

You can use the same for Console App also just need to define the input segment from MicIn. 您可以将其用于Console App,也只需从MicIn定义输入段。

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