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[英]How do I test a private method in a IIFE, maybe by using reflection?

I have some IIFEs in my javascript code structured like: 我的javascript代码结构如下:

function myIIFE() {
    function mtd1() {}
    function mtd2() {}
    function publicmtd1() {}

    return Object.freeze({
        publicmtd1: publicmtd1

How can I test the private methods in this IIFE? 如何在此IIFE中测试私有方法?

I know we are not supposed to test private methods and should move them to public methods if we need to test them. 我知道我们不应该测试私有方法,如果需要测试它们,应该将它们转移到公共方法。

I am just curious if this can be done. 我只是好奇是否可以做到这一点。 In Java, I am able to test private methods by using reflection to make the methods public and then test them. 在Java中,我可以通过使用反射将这些方法公开来测试私有方法,然后对其进行测试。 I am wondering if Javascript has something similar to reflection. 我想知道Javascript是否具有类似于反射的功能。

Update: Some of you have pointed that my example code is not an IIFE. 更新:某些人指出我的示例代码不是IIFE。 You are right. 你是对的。 I should have said module instead of IIFE. 我应该说模块而不是IIFE。

IIFE (Immediately Invoked Function Expression) is a JavaScript function that runs as soon as it is defined. IIFE(立即调用函数表达式)是一个JavaScript函数,它在定义后立即运行。

Your example is not a IIFE , but anyways, you can't access the functions defined in the myIIFE closure, so therefore, in this shape, you can't test them. 您的示例不是IIFE ,但是无论如何,您无法访问myIIFE闭包中定义的函数,因此,以这种形式,您无法对其进行测试。

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