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Htaccess url重写,新文件夹,但文件加载在父文件夹中

[英]Htaccess url rewrite, new folder, but files load in parent folder

My .htaccess file changes http://example.com/animal.php?id=number to http://example.com/animal/number . 我的.htaccess文件将http://example.com/animal.php?id=number更改为http://example.com/animal/number

If I go to http://example.com/animal/number , this code loads animal.php 's other files in /animal folder, but this folder doesn't exist. 如果我访问http://example.com/animal/number ,此代码会将animal.php的其他文件加载到/animal文件夹中,但此文件夹不存在。

I would like for it to work if I go to /animal/number page, the code will load animal.php 's other files in parent folder ( http://example.com/ ). 如果我去/animal/number页面,我希望它可以工作,代码将加载animal.php在父文件夹( http://example.com/ )中的其他文件。

Example: I'm including header.php in animal.php , and this is working, but if I go to /animal/number page, this is not working, because header.php not in the /animal folder. 示例:我在animal.php包含header.php ,这是有效的,但如果我转到/animal/number页面,这不起作用,因为header.php不在/animal文件夹中。

My .htaccess file: 我的.htaccess文件:

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>  
    RewriteEngine on  

    #RewriteBase /htdocs/test

    RewriteRule    ^animal/([A-Za-z0-9-]+)/?$    animal.php?id=$1    [NC,L]

    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f  
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d  
    RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php?page=$1 [QSA]  

What you appear to describe is a client-side relative URL issue. 您似乎描述的是客户端相对URL问题。 If you are using relative URLs in your client-side HTML then any resources (CSS, JS, images, etc) are naturally requested relative to the /animal "subdirectory" (as specified in the URL), not the document root (the location of the actual document). 如果您在客户端HTML中使用相对 URL,那么相对于/animal “子目录”(在URL中指定),而不是文档根(位置),自然会请求任何资源(CSS,JS,图像等)实际文件)。 The browser only sees the URL, not the underlying filesystem path. 浏览器只能看到URL,而不是底层文件系统路径。

You would need to resolve this by either using root-relative URLs (starting with a slash) or absolute URLs (scheme + hostname) in your client-side HTML. 您需要通过在客户端HTML中使用根相对URL(以斜杠开头)或绝对URL(方案+主机名)来解决此问题。 Alternatively you can set a base element in the head section of your HTML that tells the browser what URL to use as the base URL when resolving relative links/URLs. 或者,您可以在HTML的head部分设置一个base元素,告诉浏览器在解析相对链接/ URL时要使用哪个URL作为基本URL。 (However, note that there are caveats with using the base element if you are using in-page links with just a fragment identifier, eg. of the form href="#internal-id" - since this is considered a relative URL.) (但是,请注意,如果您使用仅具有片段标识符的页内链接(例如,形式为href="#internal-id" ,则使用base元素存在警告 - 因为这被视为相对 URL。)

I'm including header.php in animal.php` header.php in animal.php`中包含了header.php in

HOWEVER... "including header.php " implies a server-side include (eg. include('header.php') ), which has nothing to do with the URL structure, relative URLs (in the HTML) and hence nothing to do with URL-rewriting and your .htaccess file. 但是......“包括header.php ”意味着服务器端包含(例如include('header.php') ),它与URL结构,相对URL(在HTML中)无关,因此没有任何关系使用URL重写和.htaccess文件。

Unless... you are including this as some kind of JavaScript AJAX request (or even a frame )? 除非......你把它包含在某种JavaScript AJAX请求中(甚至是一个框架 )? (Hence my query in the comments above.) In this case, the same relative URL problem would occur as mentioned above. (因此我在上面的评论中查询。)在这种情况下,如上所述会出现相同的相对URL问题。

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