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[英]Uncaught Type Error - jQuery - WordPress

I came across this error while using jQuery with WordPress and followed this answer to resolve. 我在将jQuery与WordPress结合使用时遇到了此错误,并按照答案进行了解决。 But, the error persists. 但是,错误仍然存​​在。

Error : Uncaught TypeError: $el.appear is not a function
at PluginAnimate.build (theme.js:66)
at PluginAnimate.initialize (theme.js:38)
at PluginAnimate (theme.js:18)


Few lines from theme.js which has errors 来自theme.js的几行内容有错误

$(window).afterResize(function() {
$headerContainer.css('min-height', $header.height());

$el.appear(function() {
delay = ($el.attr('data-appear-animation-delay') ? 
$el.attr('data-appear-animation-delay') : self.options.delay);

if (delay > 1) {
$el.css('animation-delay', delay + 'ms');

setTimeout(function() {
}, delay);

Code continues.... 代码继续。

Any ideas as to what I'm doing wrong? 关于我在做什么错的任何想法吗?

正如@Thiatt所建议的那样,我错过了包括jQuery Appear Plugin。

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