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我如何等待9 HTTP GET request Angular 2

[英]How can I wait for 9 HTTP GET request Angular 2

I have the next problem: I am doing a Plugin for Jenkins using its API REST. 我有下一个问题:我正在使用其API REST为Jenkins做一个插件。 I want to get all the results of all builds and do the average fails/nºexec for each Job. 我想获取所有构建的所有结果,并为每个作业执行平均失败/执行失败次数。 I want to get the last 10 builds, so I have to send 10 http get. 我想获取最近的10个版本,因此我必须发送10个http get。 Actually my code is this: 其实我的代码是这样的:

for (var j = init; j >= 1; j--){
    this.http.get(data2.builds[j].url + this.finalURL).subscribe(response => {
        let data3 = response.json();
        if(data3.result == "FAILURE"){
            numberOfFails = numberOfFails+1;
    }, error => console.error(error));
this.http.get(data2.builds[0].url + this.finalURL).subscribe(response => {
    let data3 = response.json();
    if (data3.result == "FAILURE"){
        numberOfFails = numberOfFails + 1;
    let average = numberOfFails/(init+1);
    console.log(numberOfFails +" " + init+1 + " " +average);
    if (average <= 0.1){
        this.successList.push(new Job(data3.fullDisplayName, data3.result,data2.url, average));
    } else if (average<0.8){
        this.brokenList.push(new Job(data3.fullDisplayName, data3.result, data2.url, average));
    }else {
        this.failureList.push(new Job (data3.fullDisplayName, data3.result, data2.url, average));

I do 9 HTTP request looking for the result. 我做9 HTTP请求寻找结果。 After I do the last request looking for the result and I do the average. 在我执行最后一个请求后,寻找结果,然后进行平均。 Sometimes the average is done before the 9 previous request finish. 有时,平均值是在前9个请求完成之前完成的。 How can I fix this? 我怎样才能解决这个问题?

You can use Observable.zip or Observable.forkJoin to resolve them all at once, and get the results at once.. this is similar to Promise.all. 您可以使用Observable.zip或Observable.forkJoin一次解决所有问题,并立即获得结果。这类似于Promise.all。 I would personally use forkJoin in this case http://xgrommx.github.io/rx-book/content/observable/observable_methods/forkjoin.html 在这种情况下,我将亲自使用forkJoin http://xgrommx.github.io/rx-book/content/observable/observable_methods/forkjoin.html

var source = Rx.Observable.forkJoin(
  Rx.Observable.range(0, 10),
 //Your http calls will be here instead

var subscription = source.subscribe(
  function (x) {
    console.log('Next: %s', x);
  function (err) {
    console.log('Error: %s', err);
  function () {

// => Next: [42, 9, 3, 56]

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